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default value in procedure

Posted: 2005-01-10 14:26:04
by scorpion7552
In Delphi, there is a possibility to declare procedures or functions with default parameters
If I am right, the syntax is something like this

procedure myproc(var1: string; var2 : string = 'default value');

but, this does not work inside scripts. What do you think of that :/

In the same idea, could it be possible to have the list of Delphi functions and procedures available in scripts (only the list, for the parameters we can search elsewhere :)) . That would be great ;)

Posted: 2005-01-10 16:27:32
by antp
If it does not work in the scripts it means that IFPS does not support it, I guess :D

For a list of available procedures and functions (except those that I added and that are listed) I should go in IFPS source code and make a list, since I do not know myself all the available procedure and functions.