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Please help me fix this template...

Posted: 2004-06-08 14:52:59
by Guest

I edited the default template that was loaded with Azn Movie Catalog. However.. I noticed that I must have done something wrong... Caused at the last entry (when exported to HTML).. There would be a gap in space...

Here... Check out this... You can tell.. at the last entry... There is a gap between the title and the comment.. Just look at the other two.. And you will see the difference...

This is what I have in my HTML export field

Code: Select all

<style TYPE="text/css">
  text,body,p,div,span,th,td,ul,li { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black; background: white; }
  HR { color: black; }
  A:link { COLOR: #003399; background: white; }
  A:visited { COLOR: #003399; background: white; }
  A:hover { COLOR: #CC0000; background: white; }
  A:active { COLOR: #CC0000; background: white; }
  td.blk { color: white; background: black; border: solid; border-color: black; }
  table.blk { color: white; background: black; border: solid; border-color: black; border-width: thin; }
  table.lgt { color: black; background: white; border: solid; border-width: thin; border-color: #F5F5F5; }
  td.lgt { color: black; background: white; border: solid; border-width: thin; border-color: #F5F5F5; }
  p.title { font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold; }
<table class="blk" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr>
<td class="blk" nowrap></td>
<td class="blk" nowrap>Vietnamese</td>
<td class="blk" nowrap>English</td>
<td rowspan="2" class="lgt"><strong> $$ITEM_APPRECIATION<br>$$ITEM_PICTURE</strong></td>
<td class="lgt"><strong>$$ITEM_ORIGINALTITLE </strong></td>
<td class="lgt">$$ITEM_TRANSLATEDTITLE </td>
</tr><tr><td colspan="6" class="lgt">$$ITEM_DESCRIPTION </td></tr><tr><td colspan="7" class="blk"></td>
</tr>$$ITEM_END</table><p><strong>Total: $$TOTALMOVIES movies</strong></p></body></html>

I just delete and stuff without knowing what it does... But.. From looking at my sample site.. And this code.. Could anyone tell me how to fix the gap?


Posted: 2004-06-08 16:47:17
by antp
it is because there is less text and the cell contents is centred vertically.

you can add the attribute valign="top" (if I remember well) for the cell (<td>) that have to get their content at the top instead of vertical centre.

Posted: 2004-06-08 17:41:09
by Guest
Thanks... I just found out there are a TONS of templates to pick from... So I end up picking something else... Since the one I had load up all the pics right away... Could be a bandwidh problem later down the road...

Thanks so much for the program and your help... I lubb it..