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Search & special characters

Posted: 2020-07-22 08:48:52
by Kryen

Firstly, congrat! This soft is amazing.
I have a suggest:
Add the Windows like special caracter search : " * " " ? " " - " etc..

A exemple for illustrate:
I want to transforme this:
EN-COO-111 - 10 - 2 - 5
into this:
EN-COO-111 - REP10 - QTE2 - EP5

with the specials caracts i'll do this task like this:

Replace * - * - * - *
with * - REP* - QTE* - EP*

Is this possible or not?

regardless, i have some skills on JS and vba VBA so it will be a presure if you need some help :clapping:

ps: FR est ma langue maternelle :)

Re: Search & special characters

Posted: 2020-07-23 13:03:46
by antp
This is possible using regular expressions (one of Ant Renamer's actions in the list)
These are a little more complicated to use than the * and ?
Check the help file for a basic explanation or ... sions.html for more info (the link provided in the help file is dead, do not click it, use this link instead).
Otherwise you can easily find tutorials/quick info about these on internet.

French is also my native language but I replied in English in case someone else finds this thread while searching for the same "problem"