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Problems with printing
Posted: 2003-12-13 04:11:32
by Oluap
I use Ant Movie Catalog (superb program) and created 2 movie databases. When I try to print it the 1 of the database the program just quits without warning
Posted: 2003-12-13 10:54:18
by antp
That's very strange... How big is the database ? (number of movies, file size, ...)
Did you try to create a new file and import the database in it ?
Posted: 2003-12-13 12:45:03
by Oluap
Thanks for the quick answer. The database with this problem contains 50 movies. The other one (can print normally) has about 45 movies. I reinstall the amc and the problem continues.
Posted: 2003-12-13 17:31:04
by Guest
The problem disappears when I delete the movie "Animatrix" from the database.
Posted: 2003-12-13 17:32:54
by Oluap
Sorry I forgot to log in
The problem disappears when I delete the movie "Animatrix" from the database.
Posted: 2003-12-13 19:26:57
by antp
That's quite strange...
Maybe there was character that it did not like in one of the fields
bug in printing
Posted: 2004-08-25 01:24:27
by vinni
Yep, I add the same issue with Animatrix. But I found the origin of the problem: there were two many characters in teh "Actors" field for the print to work. I chopped off most of the names and it went fine afterwards. One more thing to check ...
Thanks anyway for this tool, it really is a step up from my Excel file !
Re: bug in printing
Posted: 2004-08-25 19:31:55
by antp
vinni wrote:One more thing to check ...
yes, that's strange