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[NL] Script aanmaken
Posted: 2003-11-27 20:33:03
by Seniorke
Wie kan mij soms helpen of uitleggen hoe ik een script kan maken.
Bestaat er soms een handleiding of ... ???
Alvast bedankt voor de hulp
mvg Seniorke
Posted: 2003-11-27 21:25:03
by antp
Please write topics in English (or in French)
Posted: 2003-11-28 09:15:01
Posted: 2003-11-28 10:05:21
by antp
If everybody writes here in his language, only few persons can read it.
So default language is English. You'll get much more answers if you write in English than in Dutch.
Since there are lots of French users, and that I can understand French, I also accept that they post in French.
Do not forget that :
- It is usually me that answer the questions that user ask
- This forum is on my server, so I have a part of responsability in what is said here... I prefer to understand what is said !
Re: [NL] Script aanmaken
Posted: 2003-12-01 16:09:15
by Guest
Seniorke wrote:Wie kan mij soms helpen of uitleggen hoe ik een script kan maken.
Bestaat er soms een handleiding of ... ???
Alvast bedankt voor de hulp
mvg Seniorke
In English he asked:
Who can help or explain to me how to make a script.
Is there maybe a manual or ... ???
Thanks in advance for helping me
Im curious too, because the Cineguide NL and the Moviemeter script does'nt do anything. Maybe somebody can fix these scripts ?
Posted: 2003-12-01 16:51:35
by antp
Moviemeter cannot be fixed because now it requires that the program does a POST request to the server instead of GET, and current version of AMC does not work for that.
About Cineguide I do not know, I should check it because I do not remember what was the problem.
Posted: 2003-12-01 20:39:56
by Tj
Thanks for the quick response.
I really hope you can fix cineguide, because there is'nt any Dutch language site left.
Maybe you can make a script for:
On this site you can search for movie info too, all in Dutch.
Posted: 2003-12-01 21:16:47
by antp
This site also uses POST to submit data

For this one you will also have to wait for AMC 4, unfortunately
Posted: 2003-12-01 21:25:13
by Guest
It's not easy to find a good Dutch info site. I try to find some more, maybe is there one lucky site that does'nt need AMC4.....
If not... I have patience for the AMC4, till then i'll use the English sites. In the future I can still update them to Dutch.
Anyway, thanks for the efford you put in to make this good (and Freeware !) program.
Posted: 2003-12-02 21:28:16
by Seniorke
I found a site with useful information but I cant write a script.
The site
Can sombody write a script for this site.
Posted: 2003-12-03 10:02:35
by antp
For this site it may be possible.
The URL to use to make the search is ... searchstr=***
where *** is the title of the movie
Posted: 2003-12-03 20:53:45
by Guest
But how I must do the rest to put the fields I needed in the script.
Posted: 2003-12-14 15:39:38
by Guest
mayby this one is posible ?
dutch sites
Posted: 2003-12-14 15:48:11
by Seniorke
script's voor nederlandse site's
Posted: 2003-12-24 13:58:16
by gast spreker
Ik hou me aanbevolen als iemand een script heeft voor welke nederlandse site dan ook
Verder een top programma, maar jammer dat er aan de hollanders (weer) niet word gedacht.
DUTCH language
Posted: 2003-12-24 14:57:30
by Seniorke
Beste Gast spreker
Het is zoals gewoonlijk nederlands sprekende worden uitgestoten.
Het is een pracht van een programma waar nederlandstaligen ook zouden kunnen van gebruik maken maar ja wie zijn wij?
Nu zal er een reply volgen dat het in Frans of Engels moet.
Het zal me worst wezen.
mvg Seniorke
I cant write it in frensh or english. The Dutch speaker can understeat it.
Posted: 2003-12-25 16:29:36
by antp
Posted: 2003-12-25 19:28:04
by Guest
Dear admin,
THXS!!! it works. Sorry but my english is bad

You help a lot off Dutch people with this
En voor de Nederlands sprekende, het werkt.
ff script over kopieen in de oude script.

scripts for Cineguide NL
Posted: 2004-01-16 19:14:38
Those scripts do'nt work, the is'nt a good database, better concentrate on
Posted: 2004-01-16 20:50:22
by antp
So I'll have to update it again.
You say that it is not good, but some people like it.
And I prefer to correct existing scripts than create new ones, leaving old not working scripts.
For it seems not possible : it uses POST instead of GET to submit searches.