Minor bug about proxy setting
Posted: 2002-08-17 22:50:49
I've found a minor but very annoyable minor bug. If I set a proxy server for the scripts, the server address is NOT saved... the port is saved and if I check manually in the moviecatalog.xml the port is good, but the Proxy Use value is -1... If I correct the value ( 1 and add the Server=...) the program goes well, until next start... ...then goes back to the old wrong setting... ...so I've to enter the value every start...
I've found a minor but very annoyable minor bug. If I set a proxy server for the scripts, the server address is NOT saved... the port is saved and if I check manually in the moviecatalog.xml the port is good, but the Proxy Use value is -1... If I correct the value ( 1 and add the Server=...) the program goes well, until next start... ...then goes back to the old wrong setting... ...so I've to enter the value every start...