[FR][EN] Ant Movie Catalog 4.2.1 (04/11/17)

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by soulsnake »

C'est tout simplement parfait!
Tant mieux :D.

Pour information, la version 4.0.0 BETA devrait sortir samedi ou dimanche ;).
For information, version 4.0.0 BETA should be released Saturday or Sunday ;).

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Post by soulsnake »

Ant Movie Catalog Unofficial 4.0.0 BETA (22/10/11) released ! :grinking:

Please make a copy of your existing database before to use this version.
It is a BETA so some bugs might appear ! ;)
Last edited by soulsnake on 2011-10-22 15:35:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by remyremy »

Merci ça à l'air cool :)
Une petite question: peut-on importer les champs par défaut (ceux d'origine) dans les champs personalisés afin d'éviter de tout recréer si on ne veut en modifier que quelques uns? Je n'ai pas réusit à les trouver via la fonction Importer.

Can we import the original fields in the custom fields? So we don't have to recreate all the fields if we only need to modify 1 or 2.

Thanks! :)
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Post by soulsnake »

Une petite question: peut-on importer les champs par défaut (ceux d'origine) dans les champs personalisés afin d'éviter de tout recréer si on ne veut en modifier que quelques uns? Je n'ai pas réusit à les trouver via la fonction Importer.

Can we import the original fields in the custom fields? So we don't have to recreate all the fields if we only need to modify 1 or 2.
Je ne sais pas si j'ai bien compris ce que tu demandes mais si tu veux par exemple déplacer certain champs de ton ancienne base de données vers une nouvelle base avec des champs personnalisés c'est très simple.
Tu crées une nouvelle base avec les champs personnalisés que tu souhaite (en premier) puis tu importes ton ancienne base AMC/XML en choisissant la correspondance des champs (clic sur l'en-tête de la colonne).
Après si tu souhaites quelque chose de plus poussé comme prendre certaines informations d'un champ et les déplacer vers un ou plusieurs autres champs tu pourras toujours recourir aux scripts ;).

I'm not sure I understand what you ask but if you want to move some fields value of your old database to a new database with custom fields is very simple.
You create a new database with custom fields you want (first), then you import your old AMC/XML database by choosing the matching fields (click on the header of the column).
After if you want something more advanced like taking some information from one field and move them to one or more other fields you can always use the scripts ;).
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Post by remyremy »

J'ai essayé d'importer mon ancienne database (xml ou amc) mais j'ai le message d'erreur "list index out of bounds" quand je clic sur importer.

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Post by soulsnake »

Oui j'ai vu ça, merci d'avoir signalé le bug.
Je corrige ça ce soir, là je ne suis pas chez moi.
Apparamment il y a un problème lorsqu'il n'y a pas de champs personnalisés dans la base. Dsl !
En attendant ajoute un champs bidon à ton ancienne base de données et enregistre la sous un autre nom.

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Post by soulsnake »

AMCU 4.0.0 [BETA] updated ! :D
I fixed some bugs ;).
Import should work correctly now.
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Post by kgytopi »

Hurray! I waited for it very much already!
I start the testing!
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Post by remyremy »

yes it's really good!
I'm playing with it and I have few remarks :)

We cannot create a label in the custom fields? I would like to write just text without field (min, MB, fps...)

What does "multiple values" mean exactly? is it to use for subtitles, actors...? When it can be more than one "words/value"?

You did a great job! thanks again!


Vraiment du bon boulot bravo et merci!
Est-ce qu'il existe un moyen de créer des labels, pour inscrire "min, MB, FPS..." à côté du champs?

Que signifie "multiples value", est-ce à utiliser lorsque le champ peut prendre plusieurs valeurs (acteurs...)?

Merci bonne nuit! ;)
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Post by soulsnake »

We cannot create a label in the custom fields? I would like to write just text without field (min, MB, fps...)
No, you can't for the moment but you can put unit between brakets in field name ;).

Non pas pour le moment, mais tu peux mettre l'unité entre parenthèses dans le nom du champ.
What does "multiple values" mean exactly? is it to use for subtitles, actors...? When it can be more than one "words/value"?
Yes! When "Multiple values" is checked, that mean you can have multiple values separed by a separator (defined in options) used to make multiple groups during grouping on this field.

Oui ! Quand 'Multiple values" est coché, ceci signifie que l'on peut avoir plusieurs valeurs séparés par un séparateur (défini dans les options) utilisé pour faire des groupes multiples durant le groupage sur ce champ.

Bonne nuit à toi aussi. ;)
Last edited by soulsnake on 2011-10-22 23:16:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by remyremy »

Super merci pour les réponses! :)
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Post by z3us »

Lot of thanks for your work!

I cant use spanish characters (á, é, ñ ,...) in the tag when I create a new custom field
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Post by soulsnake »

Yes it is normal. The tag can only contain [_A-Za-z0-9] characteres and can not start by a number for compatibility with XML! But the field name have no limitation!

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Post by remyremy »

J'ai une autre petite question, je ne sais pas s'il faut la poser ici (en rapport avec le MOD) ou dans la partie script...

Dans le script IMDB, on copie le titre original dans le champ fieldOriginalTitle:

Code: Select all

if CanSetField(fieldOriginalTitle) then
      SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, Value2);
je souhaiterais le copier également dans mon champ personnalisé (tag: OriginalTitl, name: Original Title) mais je n'arrive pas. Que faut-il indiquer?
J'ai essayé le code suivant mais le champ n'est pas reconnu (unknown identifier):

Code: Select all

if CanSetField(fieldOriginalTitle) then
      SetField(OriginalTitl, Value2);

How can I copy The original title from IMDB to a custom field (tag: OriginalTitl, name: Original Title) ?

Merci d'avance
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Post by soulsnake »

Tout est écrit dans la doc ;).
Mais pour répondre à ta question, il faut utiliser les fonctions suivantes pour les champs personnalisés :

Code: Select all

function GetCustomField(fieldTag: string): string;
Reads and returns the value of the specified custom field of the current movie (fieldTag = Tag associed to the custom field).

Code: Select all

procedure SetCustomField(fieldTag: string; value: string);
Stores a value in the specified custom field of the current movie.

Code: Select all

function CanSetCustomField(fieldTag: string): Boolean;
Informs the script if the specified custom field exists and is checked or not in the modifiables fields list. The script does not have to worry about that since a SetCustomField will not do anything if the field does not exist or is not checked, but this function allows to prevent for example to download an additionnal page in the case that some field does not have to by imported anyway.

Code: Select all

function CustomFieldExists(fieldTag: string): Boolean;
Informs the script if the specified custom field exists. The script does not have to worry about that since a SetCustomField will not do anything if the field does not exist, but this function allows to inform user that field does not exist.

Par exemple:

Code: Select all

if CanSetCustomField('OriginalTitl') then
      SetCustomField('OriginalTitl', Value2);
Soulsnake ;)
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Post by remyremy »

Does it work for you?
I tried with 2 different fields and it doesn't write anything in the field.

Code: Select all

if CanSetField(fieldURL) then
    SetField(fieldURL, MovieURL);
  if CanSetCustomField('Location') then
    SetCustomField('Location', MovieURL);

Code: Select all

if CanSetField(fieldOriginalTitle) then
      SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, Value2);
    if CanSetCustomField('OriginalTitl') then
       SetCustomField('OriginalTitl', Value2);
The fields are checked in "modifiable fields".
I guess I don't need to add them to script option since it runs all the time.
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Post by soulsnake »

Does it work for you?
I tried with 2 different fields and it doesn't write anything in the field.
Thanks again for this bug report, and sorry again... :/

AMCU 4.0.0 [BETA] updated ! :D
I fixed some bugs ;).
Scripting should work correctly now.
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Post by remyremy »

It works! Thanks!

Can I abuse of your kindness? :ha:
I have created custom fields "languages, subtitles, size, location, lenght" and I would like to import these information from the file on my disk.
You can choose it in Prefs->Media Files Importation but the info go to the normal fields (not custom).
Is there a way to do that?
Or where can I get the script for importing from the disk (so I can add it to my Internet script)

Comment importer la langue, soutitres, taille, url (locale) et longueur à partir d'un fichier vers un champs personnalisé (et non un champ d'origine)?

Could not find anything in the doc :cry:

Thanks again! :)
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Post by soulsnake »

Sorry, it is not possible to change the fields where the information of media files is imported for the moment.
But you can import values in the movie fields and move them after in your custom fields with a little script:

Code: Select all

program MoveSomeFieldsValue;
// Movie fields id: fieldLanguages, fieldSubtitles, fieldSize, fieldURL, fieldLength
// Custom fields tag: languages, subtitles, size, location, lenght
  SetCustomField('languages', GetField(fieldLanguages));
  SetField(fieldLanguages, '') // if you want to remove value
  SetCustomField('subtitles', GetField(fieldSubtitles));
  SetField(fieldSubtitles, '') // if you want to remove value
  SetCustomField('size', GetField(fieldSize));
  SetField(fieldSize, '') // if you want to remove value
  SetCustomField('location', GetField(fieldURL));
  SetField(fieldURL, '') // if you want to remove value
  SetCustomField('lenght', GetField(fieldLength));
  SetField(fieldLength, '') // if you want to remove value
I can't test it for the moment but it should work ;) .

I update todo list (first post) for future version 4.1.0 ;) .
Last edited by soulsnake on 2011-10-23 17:11:26, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by remyremy »

Yep it works fine! Thanks for your help! I should be good for a while :)
Good luck!
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