sorry you dont like my Media type mods.. actually to be honest i'm kinda shying away from it too.. i have a load of Xvids movies but haven't the time to add them.
Incidently you can always turn of the Media Type box by making sure this is set in your file
anyway.. the block of code you've highlighted is the correct bit of code.
Couple of things to note here.
1. RESET will only show up only if the Search field is not blank.
2. the RESET text is pulled from the Language file, should be a field on there called RESET
3. a CLEAR is defined in the moviedb.css file ie (#mdb_search DIV.clear)
The block of code you need is
Code: Select all
if ($this->mdb_search != "") {$html .= "<div class='clear'><a href='".$this->THISPAGE."?mdb_cat=".$this->mdb_cat."&mdb_npp=".$this->mdb_npp."&mdb_order=".$this->mdb_order."'>".$this->lang['reset']."</a></div>";}
Hope it helps.