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Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-06-06 06:47:44
by antp
Have you deleted the file "Stringutils7552.pas" from the Scripts folder?
You can get it back from

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-06-07 18:00:11
by zbig1
In my Scripts folder are en2pl, cp1250, StringUtils7552, BatchCommon7552, ScorEpioNCommonScript;Filmweb (PL). All up to date. After running, the same error continues. Is the above - a good configuration?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-06-10 09:29:48
by antp
Maybe you are missing StringUtils1.pas
That one is included indirectly by StringUtils7552.pas
If you want to remove unused scripts, in general it is better to do that only with .ifs files but to keep all the .pas files in your scripts folders, as these do not appear in the scripts list anyway.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-06-10 16:58:45
by zbig1
Indeed, this file was missing. Everything is laughing as it should. Thanks a lot for your help :grinking:

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-08-24 22:50:12
by cosanostra
W wersji skryptu filmweb program zaczął pobierać zdjęcia z filmu ale pobiera tylko kilka; 4,5 nie raz nawet z 7 a nie pobiera wszystkich. To samo dotyczy plakatów. obojętne jaką liczbę by nie ustawił to pobiera tylko 1 plakat.
Próbowałem wpisywać 999999 ale skrypt przez to ustawienie dużo dłużej działał a i tak pobierał tylko tą samą liczbę zdjęć czy plakatów co przy innych ustawieniach. Nie ważne czy wpisze się 5 czy 25 on i tak pobierze tyle co chce ale na pewno nie wszystkie :(


Code: Select all
na stronie 35 zdjęć a pobiera tylko 4

Code: Select allódmy+syn-2014-462549
na stronie 25 zdjęć a pobiera tylko 8

Code: Select all
na stronie 35 zdjęć a pobiera tylko 6

z plakatami inaczej bo zawsze pobiera tylko 1 i nic więcej :(


In the filmweb script version, the program started downloading photos from the film but only downloaded a few; 4,5 sometimes even 7 but it doesn't download all of them. The same applies to posters. no matter what number I set, it only downloads 1 poster. I tried entering 999999 but the script worked much longer because of this setting and it still downloaded only the same number of photos or posters as with other settings. It doesn't matter if you enter 5 or 25, it will still download as many as it wants, but definitely not all of them :(


Code: Select all
on the page there are 35 photos, but it only downloads 4

Code: Select allódmy+syn-2014-462549
on the page there are 25 photos, but it only downloads 8

Code: Select all
on the page there are 35 photos, but it only downloads 6

it's different with posters because it always downloads only 1 and nothing more :(



Teraz to dopiero zauważyłem. Program w ogóle nie pobiera zdjęć (screenów) z filmu ze strony On pobiera zdjęcia aktorów.
Jak odznaczyłem mu pobieranie zdjęć aktorów to w ogóle nic nie pobiera żadnych zdjęć :(
I just noticed it now. The program does not download any photos (screenshots) from the film from the website. It downloads photos of the actors. When I unchecked downloading photos of the actors, it did not download any photos at all :(

Pomocy. HELP.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-13 18:04:47
by wrobelp
Skrypt przestał pobierać plakaty z filmów, ktoś coś poradzi.

The script has stopped downloading movie posters, can someone help?

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-15 21:42:18
by cosanostra
Dołączam się do prośby wyżej.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-16 07:13:19
by robinse
I cant get a movie poster :hmh:

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-18 07:30:57
by antp
For which movie?
I tried two, one was working:
another not: ... -1995-1272
the second one is a .webp image instead of .jpg
AMC does not support webp (which was not as popular 20 years ago as it is now...)

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-18 21:38:11
by cosanostra

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-19 08:55:31
by antp
Indeed, these have webp posters instead of jpeg :/
So for now there is nothing that can be done in the script, AMC would have to be updated to support webp, which I don't know if it is easily doable.

Another solution would by putting some kind of conversion tool on my web server, so AMC could call that tool to retrieve the webp image converted to jpeg.
The advantage is that it would not require change in AMC, and very small change in the script.
I'll try to take a look to that solution, but I don't have much time for it now, it may be for next week but it could also have to wait a little longer.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-19 13:00:54
by antp
In the end, as it was quite easy to do, I had a few minutes just now to do that, and it seems to work.
You can get version 3.2.21 via "update scripts" or from
It seems to work fine, at least for the few movies I tested :)
Images are converted to jpeg 92% quality, I don't know in term of size how that compares to the images that were previously provided by filmweb.
In case they are much smaller/bigger (in file size), that could be adjusted.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-19 13:14:25
by Hegemon65
update 19.09.2024

Duration and genre are not collected :/

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-19 13:56:18
by wrobelp
Thanks a lot for the new version, but the posters download nicely, only the movie genre stopped downloading

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-20 03:08:03
by cosanostra
I also Thank You Very Much antp for fixing this and also for all the work on this project. I wish you a lot of health, that you will be with us a million years and one day longer :)))

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-23 12:51:37
by kazeciak
antp wrote: 2024-09-19 13:00:54 In the end, as it was quite easy to do, I had a few minutes just now to do that, and it seems to work.
You can get version 3.2.21 via "update scripts" or from
It seems to work fine, at least for the few movies I tested :)
Images are converted to jpeg 92% quality, I don't know in term of size how that compares to the images that were previously provided by filmweb.
In case they are much smaller/bigger (in file size), that could be adjusted.
Hello. Could you fix it so that it takes the movie genre? Thanks

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-23 17:48:33
by antp
OK I'll check that, but as I said not sure this week I'll have time.

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-24 12:09:05
by Master_Rafael
uprzedzam, że nie mam za bardzo wiedzy w skryptach i zrobiłem dwie poprawki analizując kod:

1. pobieranie gatunku (testowane na kilku filmach gdzie był jeden lub dwa gatunki) i raczej działa:

Code: Select all

	// Gatunek
	Line := TextBetween(Page.Text, '<div class="filmPosterSection__buttons tags-container"', '</div>');
	if Length(Line) > 0 then
		case GetOption('SeparatorGatunku') of
			0: Separator := ' / ';
			1: Separator := ', ';
			2: Separator := '/';
		Value := '';
		while Pos('/ranking/film', Line) > 0 do
			Line2 := TextBetween(Line, '/ranking/film', '/a>');
			Line := RemainingText;
			Line2 := TextBetween(Line2, 'itemprop="genre">', '<');
			Value := Value + Line2 + Separator;
		Value := Copy(Value, 1, Length(Value) - Length(Separator));
		Value := StringReplace(Value, ', ', Separator);
		if Length(Value) > 0 then
			SetField(fieldCategory, Trim(Value));
2. ilość głosów pobiera się teraz tak np. 3,9 tys.&nbsp;, przywróciłem to do stanu np. 3897

Code: Select all

	// Ratting filmweb
	Line := TextBetween(Page.Text, 'filmRating filmRating--filmRate filmRating--hasPanel', 'filmRatingHeader');
	Rates := TextBetween(Line, 'filmRating__rateValue">', '<');
	Rates := StringReplace(Rates, ',', '.');
	if Length(Rates) > 0 then
		SetField(fieldRating, Trim(Rates));
	if CanSetCustomField('VotesFilmweb') then
		Value := TextBetween(Line, ' data-count="', '">');
		if Length(Value) > 0 then
			SetCustomField('VotesFilmweb', Trim(Value));

Uprzedzam, że może to nie działać ze wszystkimi filmami dobrze bo nie testowałem tego na dużą skalę. Dodatkowo mogę stwierdzić, że raczej jestem zielony w kodowaniu :D

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-24 13:39:38
by kazeciak
Master_Rafael wrote: 2024-09-24 12:09:05 Uprzedzam, że może to nie działać ze wszystkimi filmami dobrze bo nie testowałem tego na dużą skalę. Dodatkowo mogę stwierdzić, że raczej jestem zielony w kodowaniu :D
Też chciałbym być taki zielony w kodowaniu :) Działa jak należy na nowych i starych filmach :)
Dzięki i pozdrawiam

Re: [REL] [PL] 3.0 - The Best Polish Script

Posted: 2024-09-24 16:09:16
by wrobelp
Master_Rafael wrote: 2024-09-24 12:09:05
Uprzedzam, że może to nie działać ze wszystkimi filmami dobrze bo nie testowałem tego na dużą skalę. Dodatkowo mogę stwierdzić, że raczej jestem zielony w kodowaniu :D
Możesz dalej być tak zielony, jak jesteś w kodowaniu, skrypt działa jak ulał, wielkie dzięki :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: