About next version (4.0) and new fields for movies...

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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Post by antp »

ok, but what do you mean by "Layer" ?
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Post by cortexwave »


oh what i ment is DVD: DUAL LAYER, DOUBLE SIDED

thank you

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Post by antp »

hmm, you can put that in "Medium type"

And there was already "Video Ratio" for the ratio
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Post by KaBeCi »

3 questions:
1. how are you thinking to develop the Wish List?

2. why a Seen/Not Seen field and a Times Seen field?
if Times Seen = 0, then its "not seen"...
if Times Seen > 1, then its "seen"
it seems (to me) like redundant info to keep both fields

3. will we be able to remove some fields (or the displaying of some fields)??, you've added a lot of new fields, some are very usefull for me and some not (and i beleive they are usefull for others), will we be able to customize it by deleting the useless ones, so there is more place for usefull fields?

thanks for answering
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Post by antp »

KaBeCi wrote: 1. how are you thinking to develop the Wish List?
just an value is / is not on the wish list, like the seen / not seen
KaBeCi wrote: 2. why a Seen/Not Seen field and a Times Seen field?
if Times Seen = 0, then its "not seen"...
if Times Seen > 1, then its "seen"
it seems (to me) like redundant info to keep both fields
yes, I'll maybe remove the "seen" so
KaBeCi wrote: 3. will we be able to remove some fields (or the displaying of some fields)??, you've added a lot of new fields, some are very usefull for me and some not (and i beleive they are usefull for others), will we be able to customize it by deleting the useless ones, so there is more place for usefull fields?
sure, you'll be able to define medias, and for each media define which fields will be available for it. I'll have to make something allowing the user to define the place of each field in the window
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Post by KaBeCi »

ok, great... another question... since you're adding lots of new fields, will we be able to cut/paste from one field to another in the "grid" mode (all the movies at once)?
i think you've said in another topic that in version 4 will be possible to edit in the grid mode.
ehh... another silly question... will AMC 4.0 automaticaly import all the new info from the .avi's (like audio channelS, audio tracks, video ratio, video color), if yes, will be nice if it can separately show the encoding of each audio track
i think Audio Tracks field should be called Audio Streams like in BSPlayer and other programs
and what about a "My Rating" new field??
another thing more... ;) would be usefull to add, in the search bar, the possibility to search in "Anywhere", so we can just write the name of the movie and search for it in the origianl title, translated title and english title at the same time.

well i think as i write... you are working a lot on this project, and i know you dont have too much free time, since there are lot of new fields, most of the scripts will need an update to store the new data into the correct fields, if you let us try a 4.0 beta soon :grinking: :grinking: :grinking: :grinking: :grinking: , we can help you updating the scripts (and making new ones), and AMC 4.0 can be out earlier with the correct scripts.

thanks again for your time working on this!!!!!
cant wait for 4.0

just throwing out ideas, take whatever you want
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Post by antp »

to movie values from one field to another for all movies at once, this can be done by script (already in 3.x)
It will probably be possible to edit values in gid mode.
For the avi, I'll get the infos in the new fields if possible, but I do not think that I will separate streams in several fields, maybe later.
I thought about the "search anywhere", I planned to add it.
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Post by antp »

First screenshots :

There is not lots of things to see, but so you can see that there is not "nothing" done :D


The small window in the middle (a MDI child window) will be one of the possibility of viewing the fields. There will also HTML view. Since they are MDI windows, there can be several windows at the same time, in tiled mode
I've put the list in a dockable panel.
You can see that in the first test field unicode is already supported (stored in UTF8)


This is the current media definition window. Each movie will be a "media" kind, and so for each media you will be able to define which field have to be displayed, and how (in the 3rd tab, not yet done).
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Post by cortexwave »

hi antp,

and thank you for the screenshots.....i can´t wait anymore fore the ne version :hihi:

i hope you can post more in future.

thank you


Oh nice...

Post by Mystiqq »

Very nice indeed... like cortexwave said, keep us posted on any updates ;)

:clapping: :wow:

el divxo

Post by el divxo »

when will amc 4 be released ?
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Post by antp »

I really do not know :/
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Post by wheelyy69 »

French : Salut Antp !

Alors moi j'ai remarqué un pti truc qui me titille et donc je voulais t'en faire part pour la version 4. Dans la version 3, il est possible de transformer le titre d'un film en enlevant le pronom (ex : "Le film" devient "film, Le"). Ca c'est tres bien, mais j'ai remarqué que ce n'était qu'une subtilité d'affichage, et que donc ce film restait classé dans les films commencant par "L" et pas par "F", ce qui parfois pose des problèmes au niveau recherche. Si c'était possible de corriger ca, par exemple en changeant vraiment le nom du film dans la base, ce serait bien...

English (resumed) :

I noticed that we can transform the titles from "The movie" into "movie, The" but this movie stays in the "T" Movies instead of the "M" movies. So i ask Antp if it will be possible to correct that... ;)
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Post by antp »

sure, I will add a field called "formatted title", so you will just have to sort by this field if you want to have a correct sort. (this field will be for the same use than what was displayed in the "title" column in AMC 3, i.e. you can customized its contents).
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Post by cortexwave »


i hope we have not to wait to long for 4.0 ...... :cry:

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Post by wheelyy69 »

And what about the supported video format ?
Will it be possible to extract file informations of .ogm, .rmvb, .asf, .mov, .mp4, etc... ?

And maybe an online update feature ?
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Post by antp »

I hope that I will be able to add lots of formats.
I will probably use a 3rd-party DLL or program for that.

By online update you mean something that says "a new version is available" ? I do not think I will add that.

multiple pictures?

Post by Mystiqq »

Will AMC4 support more than one picture? and will there be any "actor info" import similar to what Extreme Movie Manager has?

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Post by antp »

More than one picture yes, actors info no (well, maybe in a future version, but I do not think)

how much?

Post by Mystiqq »

How much is there (persentage estimate) done so far? 10%? 20%? :)

*still waiting* ;P
Thanks in advance
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