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Posted: 2015-11-13 00:59:56
by Sabertooth

DVDEmpire script isn't working. It gets the listing of movies but fails to download any data.


Google Picture Search

Posted: 2015-11-14 05:11:45
by Tadeu64

The Google Picture Search script that I wrote some years ago does not work since Google changed its page to encrypt everything in javascript.

So I just created a script to look for pictures in BING. I also created a specific topic to discuss this script.

Google Picture Search

Posted: 2015-11-14 05:12:07
by Tadeu64

The Google Picture Search script that I wrote some years ago does not work since Google changed its page to encrypt everything in javascript.

So I just created a script to look for pictures in BING. I also created a specific topic to discuss this script. script errors

Posted: 2016-03-21 19:41:25
by kiskov21

There are some new problem with script. The problematic fields are these:
Country, year, lenght, cathegory and picture. The strange is, that the first four (country... cathegory) sometime works, but often not. From some movies it can download the first four paramtere, but from other it can't (the website contains the informations).
Here are some exaples, when it can't download: ... topic_id=2 ... _area_id=6
Here it can download: ... _area_id=6 ... topic_id=2

The picture don't work anywhere (but it is the least problem for me).
And, when I just want to import the data with the scripting, it ask for me, for the name of the movie, and after it shows a movie select window. An older version of script shows me these informations:
A szupercsapat (The A-Team), színes, magyarul beszélő, amerikai akciófilm-sorozat, 1983
Now it shows only these:
A szupercsapat (The A-Team),

Please, somebody fix this script, for this superb program!
Thanks, in advance

[REQ] [IMDB script] import big picture sometimes fail

Posted: 2016-04-22 16:48:56
by Radagast
Hi all,
since few days ago the IMDB v3.86 script most of times fail to import the big picture when the option 3 is selected in the ImageKind option.

I tried it with new installation and with portable version of AMC and still fails.

Thanks in advance for fixing this.

[REQ][FilmAffinity (ES)] import Translated title always fail

Posted: 2016-04-22 16:54:44
by Radagast
Hi all,
since last week the FilmAffinity (ES) v2.87 script always fail to import the Translated title.

I tried it with new installation and with portable version of AMC and still fails.

Thanks in advance for fixing this.

Posted: 2016-06-07 09:11:02
by carlosmg2
FilmAffinity (ES) v2.90 needs fixing.
It doesn't find any movies now :(

Thanks in advance

Posted: 2016-09-15 00:42:50
by burn913
IMDB script v. 3.86 needs fixing for retrieving a picture. It returns an error (IOHandler value is not valid) for the picture, but obtains the rest of the information properly. Thank you!

Posted: 2016-09-15 16:48:23
by antp
This thread is not much used anymore
cf viewtopic.php?p=41318#41318 for the related discussion in case people search info about that problem in the IMDb script, possibly only occurring in stable versions (latest beta should be fine with it).

Posted: 2016-10-06 08:56:20
by handelaar
moviemeter script isn't working, also not with beta 4.2.1

Posted: 2016-10-07 15:46:52
by pele
script moviemeter v2.8.29 in AMC v4.2.1 (beta) isn't working anymore :(.

Posted: 2016-10-10 18:49:07
by handelaar
pele wrote:script moviemeter v2.8.29 in AMC v4.2.1 (beta) isn't working anymore :(.
Only thing we can do for now, is the manual way and hope for a quick solution :(

Posted: 2016-10-10 19:59:12
by antp
If no-one does it until then, I'll try to find a few time in the end of week to check that ;)

Posted: 2016-10-12 13:38:19
by pele
is there a workinstruction how to debug the scripts?

Posted: 2016-10-12 16:00:41
by antp
I don't think someone wrote that, no

Posted: 2016-10-12 21:15:23
by pele
oke to bad because i don't know where to start. So i will be waiting for others to solve it

Posted: 2016-10-13 15:21:04
by handelaar
Looks like no one else can do it, so in Antoine we trust :grinking:
For now, I 'copy and paste' moviemeter to amc.

Posted: 2016-10-14 14:37:50
by antp
new version 2.8.30, please use viewtopic.php?p=41438#41438 for follow-up.

IMDB script unnecessary quotation

Posted: 2016-11-07 11:03:59
by AMC-user
When requested for TV SERIES (only), there are unnecessary quotation marks in original title field.

For example:
TV series = "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"
Movie = The Terminator

P/S/ Sorry for bad english.

Re: IMDB script unnecessary quotation

Posted: 2016-11-09 18:59:57
by fulvio53s03
AMC-user wrote:When requested for TV SERIES (only), there are unnecessary quotation marks in original title field.

For example:
TV series = "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"
Movie = The Terminator

P/S/ Sorry for bad english.
Which Script, please? Which Language?