AMC 3.5.1 - "official" version released
Good that I DID made a copy before testingantp wrote:Oops there was a bug indeed.
The file was probably just renamed to .bak actually.
But it is a big bug
That's one of the reasons why I say that you have to backup the catalog before testing these versions.
I'll update the file right now.
This version is working fine now.....
These update are "under development". As said just above, there may be big bugs as they are not much tested.
When that version will be considered as finished (within 1 week probably) it will be posted in the "news" section and will replace the 3.5.0 on the site.
Usually these versions are recommended to "advanced" users only, that's why it does not include installation file and so on. But due to Windows Vista I had to suggest to many people to use it anyway
The version that had the bug is the one posted yesterday, and it was replaced in the evening, so if you download now the 3.5.1 rc3 the bug is fixed.
When that version will be considered as finished (within 1 week probably) it will be posted in the "news" section and will replace the 3.5.0 on the site.
Usually these versions are recommended to "advanced" users only, that's why it does not include installation file and so on. But due to Windows Vista I had to suggest to many people to use it anyway
The version that had the bug is the one posted yesterday, and it was replaced in the evening, so if you download now the 3.5.1 rc3 the bug is fixed.
Last edited by antp on 2007-08-26 12:43:28, edited 1 time in total.
There's a new version (3.0.0 beta) of UPDATE_SCRIPTS.ifs available for download ( see viewtopic.php?t=3421&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60 )
This version needs at least Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.1 rc2 or newer, as it uses new AMC file functions.
If you are testing this version of AMC you might test the new update script, too, as it should be included with the next final release. Thanks !
This version needs at least Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.1 rc2 or newer, as it uses new AMC file functions.
If you are testing this version of AMC you might test the new update script, too, as it should be included with the next final release. Thanks !
I consider myself to be an advanced user. Have even done a bit of programming too. The reason i said this discussion is hard to follow is because when a change is made to RC3 it still has the same reference ie
amc3510rc3 may I make a suggestion that if a change is made and the RC number will remain the same that you add a letter after RC3, IE.
amc3510rc3c. I believe this is the third change to RC3 is it not?
amc3510rc3 may I make a suggestion that if a change is made and the RC number will remain the same that you add a letter after RC3, IE.
amc3510rc3c. I believe this is the third change to RC3 is it not?
I did it like that as it was only few hours later, but you are right: I should have called it rc4 or at least add something in the name.
I mentioned "advanced users" not especially for you, but to explain why this version is not advertised like what previous releases were The 3.5.0 beta version also had its own topic like this one while the 3.4.3 was still the latest in the "news" section.
I mentioned "advanced users" not especially for you, but to explain why this version is not advertised like what previous releases were The 3.5.0 beta version also had its own topic like this one while the 3.4.3 was still the latest in the "news" section.
It seems that I can make that button visible only if I disable the automatic appending of the program's folder name. I wonder why, as both are useful.
Well, I'll keep the current system, as it prevents "novice" users from installing the program directly in "program files" without subfolder (I already that mistake done by some users with Installshield setups )
Well, I'll keep the current system, as it prevents "novice" users from installing the program directly in "program files" without subfolder (I already that mistake done by some users with Installshield setups )
As I saw you released 3.5.1 on your website, I just wanted to mention that I had no problems with RC4 yet. I did no intensive testing, but I used the rar archive as portable on an USB stick and the installer locally on a pc.
But what about the language files ? Have enough of them being updated on time ? And might there be problems if not ? (I only used the english version and did not test the german localization)
But what about the language files ? Have enough of them being updated on time ? And might there be problems if not ? (I only used the english version and did not test the german localization)
German translation is finished and on its way to Antoine. You can also find it here: