PK's MovieDB Release.V2.0 (Dynamic PHP View)

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Post by MisconductQC »

It Work :D

If i want to update my list, i do SQL and i replace the database?
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Post by mjs7231 »

Sorry I have been away for some time, but I am still here reading the forums from time to time.

I have actually never even heard of awardspace until you people mentioned it to me, so I am not sure how much help I can be for configuring it on that site.

I did create a few updates to the script, and I am activly trying to keep up with all the great ideas and modifications that kazgor has been making.

Kazgor, the main reason I am reluctant to add the xvid / dvd menu is because it would require another _GET variable added to ALL the links on the page. But after seeing your example, I think I will try to impliment this in the next version. :)
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Post by kazgor »


Im loving your script.. and you're dead right about adding the xvid/dvd menus.. i had to update most of the other _get fields to keep it all in sync.. plus update the SQL query searching.. But i think im nearly there now.

I will finish up all my changes and i'll put up a copy with all my changes in it so you can either us it as a bases for your next version or just see what i've added.

incidently for Awardspace this one as been a right pain.. guess if people can not get it to work they should just import the file back into instead.

Think i found a work around that works on Awardspace and on my local windows EasyPhp setup..

simple changed a line in function post_setup_envirnment()


to be


just make sure in the index.php you spell the language file correctly and watch out for spaces.


phew.. can those using award space confirm the above works for you guys too.

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Post by MisconductQC »

kazgor can u say to me whats the line i need to change for the size of the image on main page and when i click on movie.
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Post by kazgor »

Hi MisconductQC

you need to edit the moviedb.css file..

the width part in

Code: Select all

#mdb_content IMG.cover {
    border: 1px solid #362E20;
    width: 75px;
    float: left;


#mdb_full_detail IMG.cover {
    border: 1px solid #362E20;
    width: 150px;
    float: left;
the Height is then calculate based on the Width.
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Post by MisconductQC »

ok thx for your help :)
And i have other question.

How can i replace ? by é
Com?die = Comédie
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Post by kazgor »

pretty sure it to do with the SQL table stucture.. mine is using latin1_swedish_ci characterset so guess you have to make sure you're using one that matches up with your location.

Not 100% on this has its all new to me too.

actually try... login to PHPAdmin. now click on the little house icon (topleft) now click on LANGUAGE a bit to the left, ie choose French.. i think it then changes the SQL structure to be in french.. although you may need to recreate the table/database from scratch.
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Post by xaxgo »

It's Ok to fix ascent, when you import DB you should change

Jeu de caractères du fichier: utf8


Jeu de caractères du fichier: latin1

Voila j'ai trouver pour avoir les accents, il suffit quand vous importer la base de mettre :

Jeu de caractères du fichier: latin1

au lieu de

Jeu de caractères du fichier: utf8

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Post by BogdanKa »

I just start with php, but maybe some find this useful.
After exporting from AMC linebreaks changes into |.
Inserting this code at the end of function 'get_full_detail_html' breaks lines in comments and descriptions just like in original.

Code: Select all

$html_br=str_replace('|','<br />',$html);
$html  = $html_br;
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Post by kazgor »

ta Bogdanka, i posted this over HELP section as i thought it was a bug in ANT.. but then found the exact same work around in the template.. i probably should have included a copy in here too.. doh! so glad you found a similar solution..

Im hoping to post my modified version soon so should have all the tweaks i've made for my own use.
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Post by MisconductQC »

What I want:
I want to set in (Translate) the translate name how can i do that?
I want to replace Example MovieDB Setup bye image.

I want to do something like this moviedb:
Num/Page: 5 | 10 | 20
The RESET in Search.

WHen I click on movie i want to set:
Date Added:
Number of Disk.
when i click on movie

Answer me plz :)
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Post by kazgor »

I will upload my updated template soon.. just been playing around with a few things.

If you want to have the Translated title instead of the original title then you could change the template from that uses


and use


or in Ant Movie... go to

Tools--> Preferences --> Title formatting.

There you can choose how the Title will be formatted an hence exported.
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Post by noyt »

You made a good job with this template!

But I would like request a new feature: the possibility to enter two datas in category field (as 'action/adventure') to find the movie in these two categories (without the creation of a new category action/adventure).

I don't know if it's possible, but it would be great!

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Post by noyt »

No idea ?

I found a solution but it isn't pratical :

If someone is interested by this, you should replace the function get_categories_html() by something like this:
$cattab = array("Action", "Animation", "Comedie", "Comedie dramatique", "Documentaire", "Drame", "Fantastique", "Guerre", "Historique", "Horreur", "Musical", "Policier", "Romance", "Science-Fiction", "Sketchs et parodies", "Theatre", "Thriller", "Western");

foreach($cattab as $catvar)
$html .= "<a href='".$this->THISPAGE."?mdb_page=1&mdb_npp=".$this->mdb_npp."&mdb_order=".$this->mdb_order."&mdb_search=$catvar'>$catvar</a><br />\n";
After that, you should find the lines below "# Turn the directors list into links", copy this and replace 'directors' by 'categories' and 'director' by 'category'

I know it isn't a good solution, but I want keep my multiple categories per movie. If someone have a better idea...

The result is here:
Last edited by noyt on 2006-06-20 16:20:28, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kazgor »

probably a ok hack but the category nav box would get very messy because each category is given a unique slot so


would be one entry and

action/drama/scifi woud be classed as another entry.

Ideally it should after it read the info from the SQL table then
split the list and tally up each section.

Problem is at the moment its using SQL to tally up each own category count this would have to be moved to PHP code instead.

But do agree with you sometimes i can't decide which category a movie goes into out of the 3, so being able to use 3 is better.
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Post by MisconductQC »

I wait for the version 3 :D or version 2.3 :P

Update the template faster than ever :D plz
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Post by kazgor »

Its been a while so here is a version of MovieDB with all the changes i've made to it for my own use, hope you like the tweaks too.

First of though, all credit still goes to MJS7231, all i take credit for is being able to do some cut&paste :)

ok changes so far.

1. Show 5/10/20 films per page.
2. Default to Recent Films and in newest first.
3. Added RESET when searching plus made search box highlight Red.
4. Added. Date Added and Media type description fields
5. JumpTo box is only clickable if there a movie that starts with that letter.
6. Added addition Panel to break films down by Media Type (eg dvds, xvids, cam..) dynamic built like the category.
7. Category & Media type box totals films found count adjusts to match number of films returned from Search.
8. Created a CONFIG.INC file to hold database/moviedb details
9. Paragraphs now displayed properly for Description and comments.
10. Should now work with Awardspace.

Sure there's other small tweaks.

Has i play with this script locally before uploading to Awardspace i didnt want to overwrite the logins for the database, so means i can now change the Index.php without worrying.

6 & 7.. these are designed for what i wanted so by default these are turned off in the script.. you can turn either or both on by editting the file.. 0 = off, 1 = on.


This will show you another box under Categories, this box is built up with a list of all the Media Type (field in Ant), eg out your 100 films you may have 60 DVD's and 40 Xvids.


Harder to explain.

Those numbers next to each sub categories do not change when you do a search, if you enable the above this will then take into account how many films are found based on a search.

Well hope all that makes sense.. i've included EXAMPLE.PHP so you can see what it looks like.

Download from

Code: Select all
My site so you can see what the above does.

Kazgor Movies
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Post by MisconductQC »

Look is nice!!
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Post by -=[WeBsEcReTa]=- »

SPANISH Language file

Code: Select all

/** ===============================================================================================
 * SPANISH Language file for MovieDB by
 * @author: WeBsEcReTa
 *=============================================================================================== */
$this->lang['categories']     = "Categorías";
$this->lang['category']       = "Categoría";
$this->lang['comments']       = "Comentarios";
$this->lang['country']        = "País";
$this->lang['description']    = "Descripción";
$this->lang['director']       = "Director";
$this->lang['jump_to']        = "Ir a";
$this->lang['length']         = "Duración";
$this->lang['more']           = "más";
$this->lang['most_recent']    = "Más Reciente";
$this->lang['next']           = "Siguiente";
$this->lang['of']             = "de";
$this->lang['page']           = "Página";
$this->lang['previous']       = "Anterior";
$this->lang['rating']         = "Calificación";
$this->lang['search']         = "Buscar";
$this->lang['showing']        = "Mostrando";
$this->lang['sort_by']        = "Ordenar por";
$this->lang['starring']       = "Reparto";
$this->lang['title']          = "Nombre";
$this->lang['year']           = "Año";

$this->lang['dateadd']        = "Fecha Añadido";
$this->lang['mediatype']      = "Formato";
$this->lang['mediatypes']     = "Formatos";
$this->lang['num_per_page']   = "Num/Pag";
$this->lang['reset']          = "Reset";
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Post by -=[WeBsEcReTa]=- »

You template is cool, look my web:

I would like to know as I can use original and translated name. like adding information like subtitles, I number of discs, etc

thank you very much you are brilliant !!!
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