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Posted: 2006-06-12 16:06:17
by yeti
It's not possible to load the pictures from with a script. With my modified script, I get a standard-picture from the site, telling me a direct download is not desired. I think they use a cookie, referer or something like that on their website.
Here are the changes I've made to correct my problems (1 year ago, I think). But you can't download the picture anymore since 5-6 months. AMC can't send cookies, referer..., so I don't analyze the problem deeper.
Replace AnalyzePage() with this code:
Code: Select all
procedure AnalyzePage(Address: string);
Page: TStringList;
LineNr: Integer;
Page := TStringList.Create;
Page.Text := GetPage(Address);
if pos('<TITLE>Filmposter-Archiv - Filmposter-Suche', Page.Text) = 0 then
end else
if FindLine('<B>0 Treffer</B>', Page, 0) < 0 then
LineNr := 0;
LineNr := FindLine('<OL>', Page, LineNr);
if LineNr > -1 then
PickTreeAdd('Suche nach "' + MovieName + '" ergab folgende Treffer:', '');
AddMoviesTitles(Page, LineNr);
if PickTreeExec(Address) then
and replace this line in AnalyzeMoviePage():
Code: Select all
LineNr := FindLine('<IMG SRC="../p_', Page, 0);
Code: Select all
LineNr := FindLine('<IMG SRC="../filmplakat/', Page, 0);
Posted: 2006-06-13 22:04:13
by spacekris
yeti wrote:But you can't download the picture anymore since 5-6 months.
yes thats right. so why did i replace the lines
Posted: 2006-06-14 18:14:54
by yeti
If you replace the lines, you can download the standard picture
I've posted the code for your information only.
Posted: 2006-06-14 18:19:52
by spacekris
i tried, no picture is found to download ?
/edit: ah,sorry. was just the film it diednt find.
works, with the standardpic. thanks, its a beginning
All Movie Guide
Posted: 2006-06-23 14:09:38
by vernmark
I tried to use this script today and it is downloading wierd pictures and information. The last time I used AMG was approximately two weeks ago and it worked perfectly. Any one know of problems and fixes? Thanks.
Posted: 2006-06-23 18:01:39
by Plecotus
Plecotus wrote:
The [NL] Cineguide_nl.ifs script (by Epsilon, Antoine Potten) seems to be no longer working. It still finds the movie (you get to see the list), but once selected and trying to download the movie info, it comes up with "No Movie Found".
It was working fine a few days ago...
antp wrote:
Well, as I made/corrected that script I guess that I'll have to correct it again. I still have the script in my to-do list
Plecotus wrote:
Any updates on the cineguide [NL] script?
antp wrote:I forgot to work on it, sorry
Plecotus wrote:No worries m8 ;-).
Are we making any progress?
I have no clue about scripting, so I'm completely depending on you for this one...
Much appreciated !!!
Posted: 2006-06-23 18:52:48
by antp
Sorry, no, nothing yet.
Posted: 2006-07-01 09:39:57
by sezam
Hi everyone!
What is wrong with AMG script? Any chance to get it work soon?
IMDB script needs update
Posted: 2006-07-21 08:32:16
by Beaker
It can no longer get the actor list from the website.
any chance of an update in near future ?
Posted: 2006-07-21 09:30:05
by baffab
sezam wrote:Hi everyone!
What is wrong with AMG script? Any chance to get it work soon?
If you speak about the script of All Movie Guide, it was updated. See
Posted: 2006-07-21 10:25:35
by Beaker
no. i meant the IMDB script. (as stated in subject
Posted: 2006-07-21 10:54:12
by antp
They changed the layout of the actors list on the site, so I guess that it would break the script
Posted: 2006-07-21 11:48:35
by baffab
I modified this section :
Code: Select all
2, 3:
while Pos('<tr>', Value) > 0 do
Value2 := TextBetween(Value, '<tr', '</tr>');
Value := RemainingText;
if Pos('rest of cast', Value2) > 0 then
if Pos('<a href="fullcredits">(more)</a>', Value2) > 0 then
if FullValue <> '' then
FullValue := FullValue + #13#10;
TextBefore(Value2, '</td>', '');
Value2 := TextBetween(RemainingText, '/">', '</a>') + ' (as ' + TextBetween(RemainingText, 'e">', '</td>')+ ')';
if Value2 <> '' then
FullValue := FullValue + Value2 ;
to get the actors, for this time. But for how long…
Posted: 2006-07-21 11:56:23
by Beaker
That did the trick.. thanks
Posted: 2006-07-21 15:52:55
by antp
Thanks. I'll wait few days before releasing an install of AMC that includes the new script, in the case they do other changes in the next days.
Posted: 2006-07-22 03:45:55
by spacekris doesnt work anymore with the standard picture.
a picture is loaded witch says "please dont directlink to the pictures..".
the OFDB scripts don´t work anymore, its finding the films but no values are found..
anyone patched this already?
Posted: 2006-07-25 20:19:06
by hollywood
I am getting "Read Timeout" error when I use IMDB script.
the error appear after 10 or 15 sec..
Posted: 2006-07-25 20:42:19
by baffab
hollywood wrote:I am getting "Read Timeout" error when I use IMDB script.
the error appear after 10 or 15 sec..
I don't have any problems with the last modification.
With which films for example.
Posted: 2006-07-25 20:59:55
by antp
A timeout error is rather a temporary problem on the site, or something depending on the locale connexion, not a problem from the script.
Posted: 2006-07-27 12:30:26
by hollywood
I am using dailup connection maybe this is the problem.
maybe IMDB make a tiemout for each connection