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Posted: 2008-02-16 17:50:00
by bad4u
jodi wrote:there is something wrong in the OFDB - IMDB Script. No pictures are downloaded from the script.
They changed the format of links to pictures. Here's a new version.
OFDb - IMDb 1.3.4: ... 8DE%29.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
If download doesn't work, please try again (later) or have a look at - it will be available there soon (through script UPDATE_SCRITPS, too)
Posted: 2008-02-18 18:31:01
by jodi
Yes it works, thank you
Posted: 2008-02-23 19:11:04
by silver
Ant Movie Catalog - new script ? (working!)
çalışan script var mı?
Mr Cinema à encore changé...
Posted: 2008-03-11 19:20:09
by gaab
J'ai constaté aujourd'hui que le titre n'est plus décodé par le script de "Monsieur Cinema" ...
Après analyse de ce qui se passe, j'ai détecté l'ajout de
style= dans la chaine qui sert au repérage du titre, de l'année et du titre original
<h1 class="FilmTitreTop" style="float:left;">
<h1 class="titrefaible" style="padding-top:3px;">
(année - titre original)</h1>
Il faut donc modifier le source du script (lignes 231 et suivantes)
Code: Select all
// avant correction // titret := TextBetween(Fullpage, 'class="FilmTitreTop">', '<');
titret := TextBetween(Fullpage, 'class="FilmTitreTop" style="float:left;">', '<');
// (année - titre original)
// ou parfois (année - titre original - (réalisateur))
// avant correction // Value := TextBetween(Fullpage, 'class="titrefaible">', '<');
Value := TextBetween(Fullpage, 'class="titrefaible" style="padding-top:3px;">', '<');
Cela marche pour moi...
Posted: 2008-03-11 21:30:27
by antp
Merci ! J'ai apporté la modif indiquée au script qui est sur mon serveur
Mr Cinema - evolutions encore
Posted: 2008-03-14 13:50:13
by gaab
antp wrote:Bonjour,
Merci ! J'ai apporté la modif indiquée au script qui est sur mon serveur
Ah ! Merci de votre réponse.
J'ai aussi noté que Mr Cinema fait maintenant les recherches en utilisant les accents (et n'est pas tolérant : ainsi il est impossible de retrouver le film Les Européens (de J.Ivory).
Le site ne connait que "les européens" (avec accent) quand on utilise la zone recherche sur l'écran d'accueil.
J'ai modifié (sur mon PC ;-) ) FormatMovieName2, mais c'est insuffisant... et je sèche...
En effet, si je tape directement (dans la zone adresse de Firefox) l'URL
Code: Select all européens
Firefox le traduit (comme UrlEncode) par
Code: Select all
et le site me répond
Vous effectuez une recherche sur "les europens".
Malheureusement, aucun résultat n’a été trouvé.
Notez que le "é", traduit en %E9 n'apparait pas dans le message d'erreur.
Si vous me donnez une piste, je suis près à travailler sur une solution.
Posted: 2008-03-14 19:41:46
by antp
Bizarre, il faudrait voir comment le site l'encode quand on fait la recherche depuis la page d'accueil. Je n'ai pas le temps là tout de suite, si j'y pense je regarderai ça plus tard. Vu qu'il a l'air de faire la recherche avec un post plutôt qu'un get, il faudrait voir ce qu'il envoie exactement avec un plugin firefox genre "live http headers".
Posted: 2008-03-14 23:31:48
by bad4u
My french is lousy, but I guess you are talking about the problems with accents on monsieur cinema script:
You do not need "live http headers" for examining the site (but I should have a look on it another day
).. just do a search on the website using firefox and then rightclick on the site, choose "page informations" (or similar, I'm using german firefox version here). Choose tab "links" and you will find the line
"Plus de résultats - ... s&type=all "
Seems the website needs UTF8 encoded accents (%C3%A9) instead of iso-8859-1 encoded (%E9).. sorry, if this is not correct, but I'm still not sure about naming and handling of these codes ^^
Change the line
Code: Select all
Page := PostPage(Address, 'texte='+UrlEncode(FormatMovieName2(MovieName)));
Code: Select all
Page := PostPage(Address, 'texte='+FormatMovieName2(URLEncode(UTF8Encode(MovieName))));
and it should work again (I did not test other films, you should do this for yourself).
Haf phun
Posted: 2008-03-14 23:46:53
by antp
You are right about UTF8
I forgot about that way of seeing page info.
Posted: 2008-03-15 14:11:23
by gaab
Thanks a lot for the suggestion
bad4u wrote:
Change the line
Code: Select all
Page := PostPage(Address, 'texte='+UrlEncode(FormatMovieName2(MovieName)));
Code: Select all
Page := PostPage(Address, 'texte='+FormatMovieName2(URLEncode(UTF8Encode(MovieName))));
and it should work again (I did not test other films, you should do this for yourself).
I chose to change only the last line of FormatMovieName2 which is in charge of formatting the movie name. The last line of the function converts the MovieName into "non accented" voyels. I just subtituted FormatMovieNameStd by UTF8Encode (line 486 of the Script) :
Code: Select all
// result := FormatMovieNameStd(str); // formatage standard
result := UTF8Encode(str); // formatage UTF8
I made several tests and it now even finds "CŒURS" (or cœurs) with O and E linked (I dont' know the english name for this bizarre combination).
Thanks a lot - I am happy
Posted: 2008-03-16 15:06:56
by Wotan
every once in a while i get some errors for dvdempire script, it just gives me code or something in the description field...anyone else get this?
Posted: 2008-03-16 15:55:09
by bad4u
Wotan wrote:every once in a while i get some errors for dvdempire script, it just gives me code or something in the description field...anyone else get this?
Can you give an example movie title showing this behaviour or does it appear and disappear on the same film ?
TV Scripts
Posted: 2008-03-18 08:59:20
by saintjermaine
Hi is it possible to make the TV scripts easier?
a method were u can search for the series and and season then batch selecet all the eppisodes you have?
currently searchings for show then season then eppisode is a long difficult way....
Re: TV Scripts
Posted: 2008-03-20 19:55:47
by bad4u
saintjermaine wrote:Hi is it possible to make the TV scripts easier?
Which script(s) are you talking about ?
a method were u can search for the series and and season then batch selecet all the eppisodes you have?
If every episode should be a single database entry, it is not possible I guess (at least not via script).
Posted: 2008-03-21 17:02:15
by darkemi20
Send private message Buenas.... Primero que nada... Este soft es lo mas que vi...
Ahora, a ver si alguien me puede... ayudar..
Con el scripts de que me funciona perfecto... Tengo un solo problema... y debe ser una boludes pero no puedo sacar como hacerlo...
En el reparto = Actors me lo devuelve al catalogo separado... uno debajo del otro y me gustaria que me lo de como el de IMDB separados por coma... como puedo hacer?
Gracias amigos...
Posted: 2008-03-21 19:14:00
by bad4u
darkemi20 wrote:Send private message Buenas.... Primero que nada... Este soft es lo mas que vi...
Please read answer on
Posted: 2008-03-21 20:37:35
by darkemi20
Very good... Thx...
Posted: 2008-04-03 16:18:46
by Wotan
bad4u wrote:Wotan wrote:every once in a while i get some errors for dvdempire script, it just gives me code or something in the description field...anyone else get this?
Can you give an example movie title showing this behaviour or does it appear and disappear on the same film ?
it happens on the orphanage ... id=1397094
just try to import the information from orphanage and it should be the first title listed
it happens on that title every single time...(tried 3 times)
edit, i wonder if this only happens to movies that just dont have the complete information available yet
Posted: 2008-04-03 17:45:11
by bad4u
Wotan wrote: i wonder if this only happens to movies that just dont have the complete information available yet
You are right, it happened only if there was no description on movie page. Production year was missing on this title, too.
Besides I fixed the original title import and added an option to add media type to field 'Media Type'.
New version dvdempire 2.0.4: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
Posted: 2008-04-04 00:14:17
by Wotan
thanks alot