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Posted: 2010-01-17 20:58:47
by ajwconsult
Hi m8...
I think there is another BUG as you put it...
If you make your selection, then click favorites, then click email, everything loads ok, to check totals as most do...
Then you close the popup and add more titles, it reloads the selection in the same window, removing all the window headers and making the internet explorer the size of a popup window.... It should load into a new window.
If you just procede with your original selection, fill in contact details it returns the the main window ok.
Hope I have explained that well enough.
bonienl wrote:@AJW
I did some further bug fixing.
Again movies.js and mailform.php have been updated.
Download the zip file for the latest versions.
Posted: 2010-01-17 22:23:28
by bonienl
ajwconsult wrote:I think there is another BUG as you put it...
You keep me busy
I tested this on Firefox 3.5 and Internet Explorer 8. Did the following steps:
1. Selected a couple of titles
2. Goto "my favorites"
3. Press "email" -> new window opens
4. Close new window (press on close button)
5. Select "All Titles"
6. Selected some more titles
7. Goto "my favorites"
8. Press "email" -> new window opens
All is working as expected or did I misunderstood!?
Is your test environment any different (e.g. different version of IE)?
Posted: 2010-01-17 22:36:40
by ajwconsult
IE8 with the "Open In New TAB" for popup set... Which I think most have that setting... When changed to "Open In New Window" for popup it is ok...
bonienl wrote:ajwconsult wrote:I think there is another BUG as you put it...
You keep me busy
I tested this on Firefox 3.5 and Internet Explorer 8. Did the following steps:
1. Selected a couple of titles
2. Goto "my favorites"
3. Press "email" -> new window opens
4. Close new window (press on close button)
5. Select "All Titles"
6. Selected some more titles
7. Goto "my favorites"
8. Press "email" -> new window opens
All is working as expected or did I misunderstood!?
Is your test environment any different (e.g. different version of IE)?
Posted: 2010-01-17 22:52:48
by bonienl
I am not too familiar with IE8 (more firefox oriented), and can't find the setting you are referring to. Can you direct me to it?
Btw I did come across a bug while testing the "my favorites" issue: when deleting titles from the list it may result in a wrong email list.
This I will look into, but not today

Posted: 2010-01-17 22:56:19
by ajwconsult
Internet Options
TAB Setting near bottom
When Pop-up Is Encountered
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Yes, I just noticed that even when clearing the favorite selection it still remained...
bonienl wrote:I am not too familiar with IE8 (more firefox oriented), and can't find the setting you are referring to. Can you direct me to it?
Btw I did come across a bug while testing the "my favorites" issue: when deleting titles from the list it may result in a wrong email list.
This I will look into, but not today

Posted: 2010-01-18 07:42:24
by bonienl
I did a revamp of the favourites system, which solves the problem of the incorrect list display when adding/removing titles.
Made some additions to the mailer too.
Have a look yourself and download the zip file with the latest versions of movies.js and mailform.php.
Posted: 2010-01-18 10:56:37
by ajwconsult
Tested on all databases and all looks ok so far, apart from the pop-up problem.
It will pop-up in a seperate window with no problem, but the same problem happens when loading into a NEW TAB, scaling window and removing file header and making window the size of the pop-up would be.
Most people are on Windows 7 now and are using IE8 looking at the visitor statistics... I know that the TAB option by default is to open new pop-up in a seperate window, but there are those who love to mess around and change settings to suite them. Like me
bonienl wrote:@AJW
I did a revamp of the favourites system, which solves the problem of the incorrect list display when adding/removing titles.
Made some additions to the mailer too.
Have a look yourself and download the zip file with the latest versions of movies.js and mailform.php.
[FR] Modifications
Posted: 2010-01-18 15:56:17
by Dedej
Quelques modifications pour le tri de l'affichage des colonnes en gardant la possibilité de trier par numéro.
Si le tri par les colonnes ne fonctionne pas pour le premier modèle ou le second, changez pour le modèle 3 et faite le tri puis revenez au modèle précédent.
Modification dans la syntaxe d'affichage de la saga (suppression des zéros inutiles qui permettent le tri par ordre alphabétique des titres et saga).
Bon catalog

Posted: 2010-01-18 20:22:34
by bonienl
I try to recreate your problem in IE8 with the setting changed for popup windows to go into a new tab, but all works as should.
Can you give a step by step description which leads to the problem?
I have made a 'correction' in the new version which allows sorting on "Number", e.g. unspecified column - as you do, and sorting on other colums works too!
Posted: 2010-01-18 20:41:40
by ajwconsult
Hi M8,
I rebooted the main system this morning.... Pop-up problem has gone... weird one....
Have tested everything this afternoon now and everything does seem to be working as it should.
I did notice all the databases took a little longer to load, not much about 15 seconds more.... I tested on previous without this net-mail addition to ensure it was not me... it was not me.... it does take a little longer.. is there a reason why ?
I am very satisfied though with what has been done....
Let see if I can think of something else ;-)
Appreciate all the help again.
bonienl wrote:@AJW
I try to recreate your problem in IE8 with the setting changed for popup windows to go into a new tab, but all works as should.
Can you give a step by step description which leads to the problem?
I have made a 'correction' in the new version which allows sorting on "Number", e.g. unspecified column - as you do, and sorting on other colums works too!
Posted: 2010-01-18 22:59:21
by bonienl
ajwconsult wrote:I did notice all the databases took a little longer to load, not much about 15 seconds more....
Can you clear cache and cookies of your browser and see if this makes any difference?
Can't think of a reason why it takes longer

Posted: 2010-01-19 01:25:44
by Dedej
bonienl wrote:
I have made a 'correction' in the new version which allows sorting on "Number", e.g. unspecified column - as you do, and sorting on other colums works too!
Thanks, I don't know exactly what file you have changed, I hope that I've put it on my page.
Good catalog

Posted: 2010-01-20 08:04:16
by bonienl
Update version 2.2.2 available
For those interested I have made available now this
update for download. Please disregard any previous test versions for those concerned.
Overwrite your existing files with these versions and include the new files too.
This update corrects some reported bugs and extends the mail send function of favourite titles:
1. mailto: (default) -> opens the mail client on your PC
2. response-o-matic -> free mail forward service (you need an account)
3. mailform.php -> use your own mail forwarder (requires PHP support)
The mail function is set in the value of "action" in the locale.xml file. Use one of the following settings:
1. "mailto:"
2. ""
3. "mailform.php"
Refer to the explanation within the file mailform.php itself when using option 3.
The field "commentText" in the locale.xml file is used to construct a user definable entry in the form.
- When "commentText" is empty then a text area is created in which the user can type any information. "comment" holds the title of this text area.
- You can specify one or more input fields by giving their name in "commentText" separated by the '|' character. When a given name is appended with a '*' then it becomes a compulsary input and the mailform.php will check for this before sending the mail.
Good luck,
German Date Format
Posted: 2010-01-20 13:53:37
by keyboarder2k
I'd like to use this template. In my database the date is stored like "12.1.2010". Where can I modify the template to display/sort the date correctly?
Thank for help,
Posted: 2010-01-20 16:08:59
by bonienl
The template requires the date format to be with 2 digits for month and day, and 4 digits for the year.
In your case: dd.MM.yyyy (this is the default system setting in the file locale.xml)
Posted: 2010-01-20 20:18:36
by keyboarder2k
The default setting in locale.xml was 'system="dmY"'. And everytime i save my movies.xml in Ant Movie Catalog, it is saved as 'Date="20.1.2010"' (only one digit if the day or month is lower 10).
Posted: 2010-01-20 22:41:17
by bonienl
keyboarder2k wrote:The default setting in locale.xml was 'system="dmY"'. And everytime i save my movies.xml in Ant Movie Catalog, it is saved as 'Date="20.1.2010"' (only one digit if the day or month is lower 10).
The setting 'dmy' doesn't refer to the number of digits of each item but to its sequence day-month-year. The sequence can be changed but not the number of digits.
To change to double digits for the month notation you will need to adjust your windows settings.
Posted: 2010-01-21 06:17:16
by keyboarder2k
After changing the Windows settings and saving the database again, it works. Thanks a lot for your help!
Posted: 2010-02-26 21:52:13
by watcher
I have a simple WB script which allow me to start video stream by using WM encoder 9 from command line. When stream is active , I can connect to it by typing mms://etc.. in WMP URL field. Is that posible somehow to make that process working automatically in your template. It might be looking as follow:
After mouse click on movie cover image, user have a choice to watch movie as a direct connect to file, or as a stream via WM encoder.
I am not a programmer, but I feel it should not be too complicated as my script has only 8-9 lines of code.
That addition will make your template BEST of the BEST.
Auto forward email
Posted: 2010-03-14 11:20:22
by ajwconsult
Hi m8...
I have been ask a few times now if it is possible for the person who has just selected there selection from the database to also receive a copy of the email that I initially would be receiving of requests...
Everyone has confirmed the database it working excellent now, just they would like a copy of the email requests for thier records.
Appreciate all the help and mods in the past.