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Posted: 2009-05-05 15:11:27
by Speed
Thanks for the quick reply.

I managed to remove Indy v7 and install Indy 9.0

I changed the path, but I still can't install the ElTree package.

now I receive this error when I open eltreeD7.dpk:
'Package C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\eltreeD7.bpl can't be installed because it is not a design time package.'

so there is still something missing. any ideas?

Posted: 2009-05-05 20:50:02
by bad4u
Speed wrote:now I receive this error when I open eltreeD7.dpk:
'Package C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl\eltreeD7.bpl can't be installed because it is not a design time package.'
eltreeD7.dpk is the runtime package, you have to compile and install dcleltD7.dpk, being the designtime package you need.