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Posted: 2008-09-01 18:02:54
by bad4u
New version 2.0.1 released: ... 8DE%29.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

Minor update, that adds a message when no title has been found.

Posted: 2008-09-14 17:00:25
by Ytse
Hi, is there a new version of this script. I only get a picture.

Greetings Ytse

Posted: 2008-09-14 20:02:35
by bad4u
Current script version is 2.0.1 and it works correct. You can download it from the link on the previous posting or from .

You can check your version on the scripts listing window. There are some information on the bottom of the window, when you mark the script (so that it's blue).

If you have latest script version and still got this problem, check script options on the right side of the scripts list window when script is marked blue. There is an option "Nur_Bild" which must be set to "0" if you want to download all information.

Posted: 2008-09-15 16:56:38
by Ytse
Thanks, Danke

Posted: 2008-09-16 21:01:38
by bad4u
New version 2.0.2 released: ... 8DE%29.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

Fixed description import.

Posted: 2009-04-04 16:32:59
by bad4u
New version 2.0.3 released: ... 8DE%29.ifs (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

Fixed missing details on results list.

Posted: 2011-03-06 20:49:12
by bad4u
New version 3.0.0 available from or via script [Update_Scripts] from within AMC.
Script rewritten to support new website.

Future updates will add EAN search (e.g. for barcode scanners) and a feature to update old movie URLs on your catalog to work with the new website.

Posted: 2011-03-12 17:34:32
by bad4u
New version 3.0.1 available from or via script [Update_Scripts] from within AMC.

Fixes movie length import.