[UPD] [NL] MovieMeter.nl

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little change

Post by Marcel »

after a couple of random tests with my adjustment, I found out that It wasn't good, because there came rubbish at the begining of categorie.

So these are the final adustments.
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<div id="film_info" style="height: 465px">', '<br />');
if Value = '' then
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<div id="film_info" style="height: 490px">', '<br />');
Line := RemainingText;
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Post by antp »

Thanks for the info ;)
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Re: Moviemeter 2.1 dependencies

Post by antp »

Marcel wrote:I found out that the stringutils1.pas is also updated.
Perhaps that file can have a version number and the script that use those routines, can first check if the right (or minimal) version number is okay.

For people that just update 1 script but didn't know that that is such a dependency!
Good idea, I'll add that.
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Post by RM »

Hello everybody, my name is RM and I am using the ANT movie catalog for al long time. A great catalog. I am using the latest script for the site: www.moviemeter.nl
It worked for a week, after that the script did not add the picture anymore.
I think that the site changed there layout again.

Could somebody please check the script??

Thanx in advance,

RM (from the Netherlands)
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Post by Maanjak »

Maybe you're using the script that I created a while ago. I didn't update that script for a long time because AntP created a better script. Download the script again here. This script works fine. :)

If you're still having problems, please post some examples of movies you're having trouble with.
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Post by RM »

thanx, but when I use the script the following error message appears:

could you please explain to me what I can do about this?


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Post by antp »

That's because the file StringUtils1 is too old.
Either download this file, or install version of AMC which includes the latest version of the scripts.
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Post by RM »

Downloaded the newest version of AMC and now it is working again.

Thanx everybody!!!

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Post by Teebee »

When i try this one i dont get any info, and this is what is in the category field:

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Has the site changed ?
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Post by antp »

For me the script included with AMC still works... for which movie do you have this problem?
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Post by Teebee »

All of them. Hide and seek, hostage, ...

Gonna reinstall amc again.

Edit: Reinstalled, and when it picks the movie only "category" has that info in it.

Using latest version

MovieCatalog.exe : version (29/05/2005 12:51:40)
AMCExchange.dll : version (27/06/2004 0:39:22)
AMCReport.exe : version (15/01/2005 17:13:56)
MediaInfo.dll : version (18/05/2005 23:45:58)

(press Ctrl+C if you want to copy these information to clipboard)

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Post by antp »

Hostage, the movie of 2005? for me it works...
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Post by Teebee »

This is what i get:
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Post by antp »

If I select "Hostage, the (1997)" it works fine also :??:
Does it show you a list or does it put these non-info directly after you type the title?
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Post by Teebee »

Indeed, i dont get a list, it just puts it in there.

When i reinstall amcinstall.exe, does it overwrite the scripts too ?
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Post by antp »

I see that you have version 2.1 of the script, so I guess you have the latest one.
To be sure, you can download these two files and overwrite these that are in your scripts folder:
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Post by Teebee »

I reinstalled AMC but still got the same problem. Does it have anything to do with the fact that i use FF as default browser ?
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Post by antp »

Maybe if you use a proxy server or a firewall that would modify the pages contents?
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Post by Teebee »

I disabled NIS for 5 minutes and with the first try i got the window to select one of the movies.
Weird but fixed :grinking:

Categorie sometimes contains incorrect info (moviemeter.nl)

Post by Dirk »

For example :
With movie 'the Exorcist' --> ok
With movie 'falling down' --> not OK

MovieCatalog.exe: versie (created on 29/05/2005 12:51:40)
AMCExchange.dll: versie (created on 27/06/2004 0:39:22)
AMCReport.exe: versie (created on 15/01/2005 17:13:56)
MediaInfo.dll: versie (created on 18/05/2005 23:45:58)
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