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Posted: 2009-12-03 20:46:35
by zpower
Hi to all

One simple question...

recently i rename all my dirs e some files of the movies.
Old name dir: Gran Torino
New name dir: Gran Torino (2008)
old filename: Gran Torino.avi
new filename:

I just want to change the URL field because is where is the way to start the movie.
How i update easily my Ant Movie XML?
I´ve more the 300 movies and I do not want to change everything manually. understand?

How to do it?
Please help me!!!!

Posted: 2009-12-03 22:08:52
by bad4u
zpower wrote:Hi to all

One simple question...

recently i rename all my dirs e some files of the movies.
Old name dir: Gran Torino
New name dir: Gran Torino (2008)
old filename: Gran Torino.avi
new filename:

I just want to change the URL field because is where is the way to start the movie.
How i update easily my Ant Movie XML?
I´ve more the 300 movies and I do not want to change everything manually. understand?

How to do it?
Please help me!!!!
It is possible to use scripting for changing content of specific fields (e.g. fieldURL), but you need some kind of "system" how you build the new values.

It seems you want to add the year to the folder name, that easily could be done using something like newvalue := oldvalue + ' (' + GetField(fieldYear) + ')', but I'm not sure what your intention on the movie title in your example is - where do you build this from ? Or do all movies need the "xxx" and "dvdrip" inside their titles ?

Posted: 2009-12-04 09:32:05
by antp
Someone recently asked something similar :

Posted: 2010-01-03 16:19:21
by aii
Anybody thought about a wikipedia script?

Posted: 2010-01-09 00:16:26
by gjnaus
Can someone please do a script for

I can't but I would really like one.

Posted: 2010-01-09 06:36:07
by gjnaus
I have another request. I am using Melmoth's book catalog and want to search for book data using isbn or title

I have found that has API instructions at Can someone point me to a script that will help me write this script, I will try to do the scripting myself.

If someone knows scripting well and can do this quickly that will be better for me. :)


PS this is a brilliant piece of software. Congratualtion to antp and also to all those who have made it so versatile for non programmers with the mods and scripts. I am sure I am not the only one who says THANK YOU very much I applaud you all :clapping:

Posted: 2010-01-09 15:26:02
by bad4u
gjnaus wrote:I have another request. I am using Melmoth's book catalog and want to search for book data using isbn or title

I have found that has API instructions at Can someone point me to a script that will help me write this script, I will try to do the scripting myself.
You could start with the code from AmazonBooks script, as it used a similar API request and XML data format for results (though I did not use scipting engine's XML parser very well that time, if at all). You should have a closer look on AMC's help file chapter "script files creation" for a list of possible procedures/functions.

Posted: 2010-01-17 12:27:21
by angel

I have discovered your great Proggi.

Now would like to integrate as a Script, unfortunately, everybody do not function which I find here. Do I make there what wrong?

Can somebody give me please a functioning Script for

I pack this then simply into the Script folder or?

Many thanks already

Greetings from Germany

Posted: 2010-01-17 13:28:09
by bad4u
angel wrote:Now would like to integrate as a Script, unfortunately, everybody do not function which I find here. Do I make there what wrong?

Can somebody give me please a functioning Script for
There is currently no full working script for available. You should see a script when you open "scripting" from tools menu instead of using F6 (Get information from internet), but it has not been updated for a while and does not import pictures/description correct.

For movie import in german you might want to try, ofdb-imdb-mod or world-of-video scripts.

Make scripts for Korean movie db sites please...

Posted: 2010-01-29 09:20:05
by HaeRang
I want to use some Korean movie sites's informations : Korean movie site : Korean movie site : Korean movie site : the biggest animation site in Korea.

I would be useful to hundreds of people!!
Make scripts for these movie db sites please...


Posted: 2010-02-03 16:22:42
by myusername
Is it possible to create a script importing RottenTomatoes ratings? And if one could choose between regular ratings and creamcrop (Top Critics ratngs) I would be in heaven.

TV Series and Episodes

Posted: 2010-02-17 04:15:34
by mcsaint
Would be awesome to have a script that uses
I tried the script but it is not working. seems like a much simpler database to work with, but sadly I lack the awesome skills that many of you have!

I will send you some awesome brownies if you write the script!

Posted: 2010-02-28 19:16:19
by Liandri
Hi all, i'm searching a script for both animes & mangas, from this site:, this would be great if someone has one, or can make one :hihi:

Posted: 2010-10-08 22:57:58
by corncutter
German Site: would be great.

Their synopsis is often very good
(and not full of spelling and grammar mistakes as the OFDB ^^)

NetFlix script?

Posted: 2010-10-20 06:06:39
by cyberian
Can anyone create a NETFLIX script? I used to use EAX movie catalog, and it had a great Netflix script - I could supply that as a template.

I have found Netflix has some obscure titles that I have bought within their database - and a script to supply that information would be GREAT!!

The Deuce

Posted: 2010-10-21 07:33:22
by Tim
Any chance someone could create a script for The Deuce please?

Posted: 2010-11-03 15:19:05
by t88
hi, someone have a ''find duplicates'' script that work under windows 7?
thank you

Posted: 2010-11-04 09:56:24
by antp
I guess you can simply try to change the path in the code in the variable "ResultPath" to point it to your documents folder (or another path to which the program as write-access)

Video Games

Posted: 2011-03-03 09:18:29
by Eowar

I would like to suggest the idea for one Script for catalogue the video games from several consoles.

I mean, scripts for webpages as:


It would be nice if there were several scripts for several languages as games sometimes only are released on Japan or USA or Europe, so if you have the European version, you could not add to your database if the script is for an american webpage.

I would be interested in the two first of the list, because they are Spanish and they are which I usually search for my videogames, but any script for helping cataloguing videogames are welcome.

Thank you in advance.

Posted: 2011-03-04 19:36:06
by bad4u
Is this a script request for Ant Movie Catalog, or did you want to ask for Sisimizi Game Catalog scripts ? There's a separate forum for SGC requests available ;)