AMC 3.5.1 - "official" version released

Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
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AMC 3.5.1 - "official" version released

Post by antp »

last edit : now the version was released as official one, replacing the 3.5.0 on the download page.


previous contents of this first message kept here for reference:

Translations were updated to work with this version.
Translations marked as made for version 3.5.0 were sent to the translators, so they can update them before the final release.
Those marked for older versions (3.4.x) are not maintained anymore by their creator. So if you are able to update one of those and have time for it, you are welcome ;)

So here are the changes:
- compatibility with latest Media Info release ( provided)
- import system rewritten
- export to CSV is improved to be more compatible with other programs (and with new import)
- trying to get a better compatibility with Windows Vista (unfortunately I am unable to test that myself, but it seems to work well)
- import size correctly for files >2 GB
- in "add movie" window there is a button to find the first available number
- some options added for the "group by" feature of the main window list
- sort of rating/note column in grid mode

Changes of beta3 (2006-11-01)
- import of pictures should work fine. I haven't tested much so be very careful with the importation. Please report bugs that you find in it.
- possibility to change linebreak style for SQL export
- fixed bug with rating field type in SQL export (as it can now be a floating point number)
- changed export window style to match import window

Changes of beta4 (2006-11-02)
- remembering last file used for each importation format
- load/save buttons for CSV import window, to manually save and reload column assignment (if you don't want / cannot use the automatic field assignment)
- now it works if you uncheck "allow duplicates"
- assigns new numbers for movies that do not have number or if you didn't specify a number column
Small bug fixed on 2006-11-03

Changes in beta5 (2006-11-11)
- CSV import fixed when only 1 column
- added XML in export, so people stop asking me how to export to XML :D (it is still available in Save As window like before)
- removed origons import/export as the site seems to have disappeared.

Changes in beta6 (2006-12-24)
- Finished export/import, if I did not forget anything
- Readded origons, as the site reappeared :D

Changes in rc1 (2007-08-12)
- updated translations
- basic cookies support for scripts, see this topic
- some minor fixes
- checked that it still works with the new MediaInfo,

Changes in rc2 (2007-08-15)
- fixed bugs in CSV import
- included latest version of Toolbar2000 library, I hope that it won't introduce new bugs :D
- added file-related functions to script engine, mostly for the "update scripts" script, listed here.
- DVD profiler importation: export the catalog to xml and put the pictures in same folder as that xml file.

Changes in rc3 (2007-08-25)
- multiple identical number in export: missing some pictures & individual html pages. Now if there are duplicates there will be a (2), (3), etc. after the name to prevent files from overwriting each other.
- Table name and line break style was not properly read from config file for SQL Export window
- drop-down list for picture naming style in Importation window is now correctly aligned if it contains long items and that the window is near the edge of the screen.

Sorry for the long delay since last version, but I do not work often on the program, and other projects took me the few free time that I had.

To finish this version this year, I gave up with the other features that I wanted to add, I'll try to release this one in the next weeks as having a Vista-compatible version becomes quite important.
Last edited by antp on 2007-09-22 22:13:31, edited 21 times in total.
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Post by elman »

Nice one, new beta. I've been using beta1 for some time and had no problems with it. Will try this new one and report bugs, if I find some. Thanks
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Post by slidy »

Nice. Works on Vista build 5840 x86, at least what i have been able to test so far. Will report if anything pops up.

Great work guys. :)
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Post by antp »

Updated; not many changes as I didn't had much time to work on it.
Thermal Ions
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Post by Thermal Ions »

FYI - Origons site is up and running on a new server:

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Post by antp »

I shouldn't have removed it so quickly from the program then... :D
Thermal Ions
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Post by Thermal Ions »

Am I correct in believing that at this stage additional / custom fields are being left for the version 4.x releases?

Cheers (and thanks for a great program) ................. Thermal
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Post by antp »

After this version 3.6 I should do a version 4. And for that I will at least add few fields.
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Post by antp »

I readded origons import/export, if there is a member that as an account there it would be nice if he could give me a file to test (or check if it still works).
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Post by Exoskeletor »

i have 52 saved movies and now on beta 6 im seeing 22. is there any change that this is a problem of the beta? (i was using vista and now im opening the program from xp)
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Post by antp »

I do not see what would cause that :??: Especially if it worked in previous beta as I did only change things in export/import windows.
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Post by elman »

Just tried AMC on Vista x64 RTM and there was an issue with 3.5.0, where field names were not displayed at all. I had just blank spaces. When I tried to resize AMC window, field names appeared when AMC window width was larger than +/-1000px. However this was fixed with 3.5.1 beta6. So if you already knew that and fixed that, cool, if it fixed itself, keep an eye on it for future versions :)
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Post by Demonic »

relise 3.6 and 4 version in next 2010 year? :)
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Post by antp »

Maybe :p I do not know when I will continue to work on it. It is not stopped, for sure, but since some months/years now I do not work often on it.
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Post by Demonic »

antp wrote:Maybe :p I do not know when I will continue to work on it. It is not stopped, for sure, but since some months/years now I do not work often on it.
Mayby you give me source code beta6? :)
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Post by antp »

Indeed, I am forced to do it, as it is supposed to be GPL software :D
Here is it:
Let me know if I forgot to include something in that file.
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Post by Demonic »

antp wrote:Indeed, I am forced to do it, as it is supposed to be GPL software :D
Here is it:
Let me know if I forgot to include something in that file.
thx :)

ok, all changes source i get you ^_^
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Post by LA »

I thought new 3.5.1 beta supports several images for one movie. But haven't found any record related to in your changes list.
Is it true? Can I add more than 1 picture for 1 movie? How?
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Post by antp »

No, that is not yet added, and will probably not be for that version.
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Post by Miss_Kitty »

I can't find a way to import an image from the clipboard.
Would be nice if this is possible... :)
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