IMDB (Large Pic) - broken in 3.4.3 download

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IMDB (Large Pic) - broken in 3.4.3 download

Post by Claude »

I've been using Ant for ages, absolutely perfect program for cataloguing my collection - thanks very much!
I've come across 2 problems:
1) Titles which return multiple matches in IMDB don't work
2) IMDB (large pic) script doesn't always return large pic

I presume Amazon or IMDB changed their sites, as my scripts stopped working in 3.4.2, so I got the latest version of AMC from the website, uploaded yesterday. Things are a bit better, except IMDB returns no movies if it can't find a unique hit (the script should discplay a picktree of possible matches).
Also, the large pic from Amazon in this script more often than not returns just a small pic, whereas the Amazon (large pic) script itself works fine.
I've been able to modify scripts a little to suit my purposes, but the Amazon (large pic) script is too different to the IMDB (large pic) script.
Hopefully Ant or someone here will find the problem and be able to fix them, and update the scripts online for all to use.

Thanks very much, and keep up the good work!

Claude :-D
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Post by antp »


1) probably quite new, as mentionned on this topic
I do not have time to fix that now-
Until yesterday, IMDB was working fine. So you should have upgraded much before :D

2) that's a problem which is known from long time, and hundreds of people already reported it. Somebody has to rewrite better a script that would get the large picture from Amazon, if it is possible (and I am not sure that it is).
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