
If you made a template for printing or HTML export, you can offer it to the others here. You can also ask here for help about these templates
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Post by tigerray »

I am trying to find out how templates fit into the program.

I saw Simplix: A Netflix experience and I had hoped that it was a skin that runs on AMC and simulates a Netflix type interface. But I can't figure out much about templates.

I don't see anything about templates in the documentation.

Since the code is already there to generate an html document, it would be nice to program it to generate a Netflix type interface that has bigger pictures of the movies (maybe 12 per page) and when you click on them the movie plays.

What exactly are templates?
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Re: Simplix

Post by antp »

There is a page about them in the documentation, in Export to another format -> Export to HTML.
Templates are very basic: it is just replacing special placeholders (starting with "$$") by catalog values in text files (originally for HTML).
Back then (more than 20 years ago!) web pages were often just plain HTML :)
But this does not prevent doing more advanced things, relying heavily on Javascript. But one needs web development knowledge to make that.
I don't know how was working that Netflix-like template you mention, as I didn't check it back then. I don't know if it was just individual static pages with a Netflix-like style, or if there was something dynamic added to it.
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Re: Simplix

Post by tigerray »

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Re: Simplix

Post by tigerray »

Where does the program read from and write to the html file? This should be easy to figure out but I'm having a hard time.

Also, where in the code does it read the list of movies from the scan folder when its in import mode?
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Re: Simplix

Post by antp »

It uses the template which is loaded in the Export window, in the HTML panel currently active. So not especially from a file (as you could write a template there and not save it).
Then it generates an HTML file (or multiple ones, if you ask to have one file per movie).

If you want to find that in the code, it is in export.pas, in TExportWin.ExportToHTML

For media files importation see import2_engines.pas, in TImportEngineDir.ImportFromDir

Sorry for the delay in replies, I only check this forum once every few days.
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Re: Simplix

Post by tigerray »

Thanks. ;)
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