New [DE] script

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New [DE] script

Post by grasmo »


I wrote a new german script. Actually it is just a combination of three existing scripts and some tweaking, but that is way easier than starting the script dialog three times:-)
The scripts used are:
- Amazon (DE)
It combines the output of the IMDB and the OFDB/IMDB(DE) scripts. The translated title is forwarded to the amazon script to get a nice big picture of the german cover:-)

The script can be downloaded from:

have fun:-)

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Post by antp »

thanks ;)
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Post by grasmo »

/me again...

rewrote a big part of the script:-)
here are the changes:

ver 0.1 (13.7.2k3)
- three scripts put together and optimized by grasmo (2k3)
- Basescripts were:
- IMDB script
- OMDb/IMDB script
- Amazon (US & DE) script

ver 0.2 (14.7.2k3)
- took out the IMDB(DE) part ==> redunant!
- Automated the stuff so you should be asked once or twice
- What happend to the category field? What the hell...
- Added the IMDB Credits-page parser (still experimental, but ok :-))
- Added TotalAutomatic switch for converting my existing DB
- Added AutomaticAmazonPicPick to automatically pick the closest Amazon hit
- Changed the internal name and comments

Biggest improvement:
1. it is now total automatic if you type the right name (and don't change the flag :-). If not you still can choose the right movie.
2. speed. fewer connections to the internet. less code.

- sometimes there is an error with amazon (Page not found). if anyone knows why ==> mail me...

Script still can be found at:


Post by Guest »

Thx grasmo!

looks very nice! i was searching for an "ultimate german script" and now i think i find it.

i will now test it. if i have any suggestiosn or bug-reporting, i post it here or contact you directly.

thx anyway!


Post by Swallie »

ok grasmo im back again :)

thirst of all i have to say, that your script is the best one for me and it works very very fine! good work! :clapping:

besides the amazon 404 error, i have found an other bug:

if i search for a movie, and the title isnt found in the database (of the website) the scripts asking me for changing the name. if i click abort it searches again (with the wrong title!) and will present me in a few moments again the same "plz-enter-alternative-title" dialog. :hum:

--> short form: the abort button isnt working ;)

you cant test this bug bug by seachring for a movie called "A Beautiful Mind" (i have placed this title in the Original-Title field.

i hope you understand my bad english. :D


Post by Swallie »

no that was wrong!

you have to search for a movie called

Code: Select all

A Beatuiful Mind
(copy paste it) :hihi:
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Post by grasmo »


thanks for the information, I think I've seen that bug. I'll remove it as soon as possible, but since I currently moving out, my computer is disconnected from the net for a few days. As soon as I got my dsl I'll try to fix the bug (shouldn't be that hard, I hope:-)).

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Post by Swallie »

I'll remove it as soon as possible, but since I currently ...
Take your time!

Perhaps in the next versiony you could rename your script from

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

GrasmosSuperScript (DE).ifs
so the naming convention will be keeped. (<<- bad englisch? ... sounds bad)

and another optical thing:

Are you able to add numbers to each steps which will be displayed by downloading information. Like downloading plots from blabla - step 3 of 8
something like that. but this is not really necessary.


Post by Guest »

damn nice script, thanks!!
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Post by antp »

Swallie wrote: Are you able to add numbers to each steps which will be displayed by downloading information. Like downloading plots from blabla - step 3 of 8
That's not possible ;)
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another small problem

Post by Marsupilami »

The "title" is shown in english and not in german language and also the "commentary" is shown in english and not in german.

Any idea to change this ??


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Post by JCMoD »


seems like this thread is sleeping... but got a question anyway

I dl the script and put it in the right folder... but it doesnt shows up in the list... whats wrong?
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Post by antp »

That script was made for version 3.4 of the program, long time ago.
It has to be converted to version 3.5:
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Post by JCMoD »

hey thx never saw an admin caring such well for his "community"
:grinking: :grinking: :grinking:

anyway... i now see the script but it doesnt work either...

at the very beginning its says e.g.

OFDb site for (... und dann kam Polly)

but i cant doubleklick or click on "OK" or "Seite Anzeigen" (Show site) or "Weitersuchen" (Continue searching)

got any other idea?
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Post by bad4u »

JCMoD wrote:anyway... i now see the script but it doesnt work either...

at the very beginning its says e.g.

OFDb site for (... und dann kam Polly)

but i cant doubleklick or click on "OK" or "Seite Anzeigen" (Show site) or "Weitersuchen" (Continue searching)

got any other idea?
The script you are talking about has been done in 2003 - you will have to fix it before it works with the current version of the ofdb website .. maybe you can do this by yourself when having a closer look on the current script ;)
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Post by JCMoD »

what a pity...

I am not sure if i get into the matter for just one script... maybe in my holiday...

Never done scripting or anything like that before
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Post by yeti »

Or use my updated script instead: ... ipt-DE.rar

But the Amazon picture download doesn't work anymore and I have not enough time to look into this. I use the little ofdb picture instead.

Please read the script options descriptions before you run it.

I use the script 2-4 times per week without problems.

Have fun,
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