File-information update per script possible?

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File-information update per script possible?

Post by Donald24 »

Hi there,

I just installed AMC and played a bit around, so please be nice :ha:

I have just imported my MovieDB per CSV-file into AMC. I've used the URL field for full paths of the movies on my network.

I've seen that AMC can parse fileinfo when dragging and dropping the file into the window. Very nice!!!
Is that possible to update all my other entries as well, that were CSV imported?


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Post by antp »

You mean for each movie take the file mentioned in address field, and import codec etc. of that movie?
Unfortunately this is not possible.
I do not remember than anyone asked that previously, which is strange, since it could be useful... but so it would be for a future version (in long time...)
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Post by bad4u »

Well, there is a workaround in 2 steps for that: You could use MediaInfo with GUI, run it on your media folders and let it export another csv file with all the file info. As this file contains full path to media files, too, it would be possible to write a script that loads the csv file, searches the correct line and then imports corresponding media info. If full paths are identical to the ones in AMC, this script should be quite easy to do.
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Post by antp »

Maybe it could also be possible, still with a script, to run media info command-line version for each movie and get the movie info that it returns, to fill the fields.
Only problem would be parsing the result of what media info shows (redirecting it to a file)
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