[MOD] AMC Game Mod

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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[MOD] AMC Game Mod

Post by KaraGarga »


I wrote a new script for Image.

With this script you can use AMC to catalogue your Games.

I'm planning to write one or two more scripts for gamers. (such as GameSpy.com, GameStats, Game Rankings, GameSpot)

Sample screenshot:


Parsed Information from MobyGames:

Game Name --> Original Title field
AKA Names --> Translated Title field
Serie Name --> Director field
MobyGames Rating --> Rating field (for AMC 3.5.0 Alpha)
Technical Specifications(System Requirements) --> Actors field
Perspective --> Producer field
ESRP Rating --> Country field
Genre --> Category field
Release Year --> Year field
Description --> Description field
Review --> Comments field *optional*
Game Credits --> Comments field *optional*
Game Trivia --> Comments field *optional*
Small Cover or Big Cover *optional*
Developer --> Video Format field
Publisher --> Audio Format field

Optional filed can be adjusted by edit script:

Code: Select all

    ImportBigCover = True;
    ImportSmallCover = False;
    ImportReview = True;
    ImportTrivia = True;
    ImportCredits = True;
ImportBigCover --> False or True
ImportSmallCover --> False or True
ImportReview --> False or True
ImportTrivia --> False or True
ImportCredits --> False or True

False --> NOT import info
True --> import info

Full Pack (with AMC)

Only script and language files

Put language file into "Languages" folder and script file into "Scripts" folder.

P.S. If you use this script, please report bugs if any :D

UPDATE on 20.03.2005:
I updated script, language and package into AMC 3.5.0 Final version:
http://dl.downloadhosting.com/download/ ... od_350.rar

UPDATE on 10.05.2005

Language and Script
Last edited by KaraGarga on 2005-05-10 12:03:28, edited 2 times in total.

Post by Iris »

THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by KaraGarga »

Thanks Iris :)

Post by Guest »

Wait for GameSpy.com, GameSpot !!!!
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Post by KaraGarga »

I'm little busy with life :( But next week I am planning to script these sites :D

Sorry for late answer :)

Post by Iris »

OK .... Season's Greetings!

Post by Guest »

NEWS ????????????
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Post by KaraGarga »

I waited for 3.5.0 Final version to develop this and it's now totaly available. I start to work on AMC Game Mod.

Sorry being too late.

Post by kilgore »

i get some problems with the new script for mobygames
when i search a game, the script can't find any even if the game is reviewed in mobygames.
i use the last version of ant movie catalog and the last script (20.03)
anybody can helpme?

Post by sharingiscool »

yes I am having the same problem.

No Search results can be found.
Even if the game is on the site.

For example: Swat 4

I think it would be more interesting, if you could write a script that would get the game information from:


Certain fields I would be interested in grabbing are:

Review *(if non exist, preview) , Trailers, Gameplay movies, Screenshots, Walkthroughs, Rating...

If all this information could be stored in a catalog, that would be awesome!
Imagine browsing through your games in a HTPC.

Another point of interest for you KaraGarga:

take a look @ this thread where you're mod is being mentioned:

http://www.meedio.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 186#167186

Pherhaps you would like to jump in and give us your point of view!
It would be greatly appreciated by a large community!

And lastly... your nick KaraGarga...
Did you know that means Black Crow in turkish? :wink:
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Post by KaraGarga »

i get some problems with the new script for mobygames
when i search a game, the script can't find any even if the game is reviewed in mobygames.
OK, I haven't use this mod for a while because i did not add new games to my catalog. Thanks for script bug report. I'll work on it.
I think it would be more interesting, if you could write a script that would get the game information from:


Certain fields I would be interested in grabbing are:

Review *(if non exist, preview) , Trailers, Gameplay movies, Screenshots, Walkthroughs, Rating...
I already planned to write a script for gamespot but i haven't start to write yet. (I'm lazy :D).

Well, i'll look this site also.

By the way this is simple modification to catalog your games and limited with the features of AMC, as far as i know it's impossible to add all Screenshots and download movies, trailers.
If all this information could be stored in a catalog, that would be awesome!
Imagine browsing through your games in a HTPC.
I don't know much about HTPC (google says it's home theatre PC) so it's impossible at this moment to make something about it? Could you send me some info about HTPC and exactly what can we do wtih it?
And lastly... your nick KaraGarga...
Did you know that means Black Crow in turkish?
Yep, I'm Turkish :D

Post by sharingiscool »

I have sent you an e-mail with detailed information.

Thank you for replying to my post so quickly.
Yep, I'm Turkish :D
Guess what:

I'm turkish 2 :grinking:
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Post by Liddan »

I am unable to check the screenshot, any alternative links?
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Post by antp »

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Post by KaraGarga »

Well guys, sorry being late again. I found time to correct the MobyGames script today. I don't test it much but seems to be OK.

It needs some developments. I will make AMC pack for Game Mod. Please folllow this topic for news.
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Post by dante »

Anything new about a gamespot script?? I would like a bigger review than the one that comes with the mobygames script :ha:
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Post by t. »

Better late than never, they say :). Please test the script from viewtopic.php?t=2645

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Moby games script stopped working

Post by Roy »

For the last few days, moby games script stops, and outputs only quicksearch address as url. Could you, please, fix the problem?
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Post by xyncro »

..hi all..!!

..i must be stupid because i can't find a way to change the template..
it's probably the easiest way in the world.. :hum:

i have a collection of games and saw this great template..

but.. how does one change to it..??? :cry:

thx a million times
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Post by xyncro »

hello.. anybody here..??? :??:

could anybody explain to me how to use this script
how do i change the template to the games script instead..???

i have a huge collection of games that i would like to add to my AMC

plz.. any help appreciated

thx bigtime..
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