So I stumbled across the Mods section of this forum, and saw the work that others have done to tweak AMC to support Book, Recipe, and CD catalogs. Nice, very nice! So I used the same techniques to begin working on an MP3-specific version.
Here's the desktop shortcut to Ant Music Catalog (patched w/new icon)

Here's the main window. Still working on which fields to use/not use. Ultimately this version of Ant Music Catalog will be able to handle both individual mp3 files as well as a single entry representing an entire Audio CD. By Default, Track Names are displayed in the list... but by selecting "Group by..." and "Album", the tracks are then organized by album... very cool.
I have to figure out how to change the icon in the upper left corner. I think that it is in the language file, but I can't figure out the format... yet.

Here's the About dialog.... just for fun.

My music files are all organized physically by Artist \ Album the way that Windows Media Player 10 expects them to be. Each album has appropriate album art in each folder (via folder.jpg). In addition each .mp3 file has the album art embedded in the audio file itself as an ID3 tag.
I used a freeware tool called MP3Indexer to scan my folder tree for my MP3s. The resulting .xls file was then converted to CSV and imported into Ant Music Catalog. This will allow me to periodically update my catalog without having to type in each new track/album.
If there is interest, I'll make the language file available along with instructions on how to use it, instructions on how to automatically generate the CSV file needed for import, and templates for generating catalog reports (by track, artist, and album w/album art).
Click here for : AntMusicCatalog-MP3