Search found 2 matches

by doopdoop
2005-01-25 21:25:17
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ]
Replies: 2
Views: 1139

antp wrote:It was not useful to post in a old topic in addition of creating a new one about that :p
Sorry about that but I really would like someone to write this plugin
Please help. will trade soul :)

PS. I have deleted the post in the old topic
by doopdoop
2005-01-25 18:45:04
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REQ]
Replies: 2
Views: 1139


Can anyone write a script to import information from any of the following Anime databases please? Anime News Network or AniDB AnimeInfo There is an animenewsnetwork script in XMM but Ant Movie Catalog is a much better progr...