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by jme
2018-07-06 07:43:31
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: execute automatically
Replies: 1
Views: 1108

execute automatically


Is it possible to run ant renamer in background and monitor a folder.
If a file is added in that folder, the file is renamed ( and copied to another folder if possible)

or can we execute ant renamer with a scheduler and rename all files in a specific folder?
by jme
2018-07-06 07:26:54
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: Regula expressions Add _ after numbers
Replies: 1
Views: 1223

Regula expressions Add _ after numbers

Hi, I have to rename files names starting with numbers ( between 8 to 9 numbers) followed by characters and sometimes any others numbers. What can be the regular expression to add a _ just after the first serie of numbers ? Names always start with numbers. example 123456blabla.ext 123456_blabla.ext