Search found 2 matches

by rhnealis
2014-03-12 00:04:32
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: Is it possible to import data as a predefined set?
Replies: 4
Views: 4602

Thank you for your quick reply! Unfortunately, my programming skills are high novice, at best. Can you explain how to access this "prefs.xml" file?
by rhnealis
2014-03-09 21:11:54
Forum: Ant Renamer > Help
Topic: Is it possible to import data as a predefined set?
Replies: 4
Views: 4602

Is it possible to import data as a predefined set?

Hello, I'm trying to use the multiple string replacement function to operate as a sort of "vlookup" plus "find and replace." I have several thousand PDF files that are named with a client's file number and I want to replace those with our firm's file number. I have an excel sprea...