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by infimum
2008-11-30 22:39:34
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Unicode path and command line
Replies: 2
Views: 4700

antp wrote:As mentioned on my site, the current version does not support unicode for command line
Duh! Sorry I missed it :sleep:
I live with it for now and decide to patiently wait for the next version :D
by infimum
2008-11-29 09:39:17
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Unicode path and command line
Replies: 2
Views: 4700

Unicode path and command line

Hi, My Windows has to handle some characters in Windows Codepage 1252 (aka ANSI) as unicode characters. More specifically, any characters above decimal value 128 (cf. This is where my problem lies. For exmaple, if the following character ç is used in a path given to ...