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by CliveG
2008-09-06 07:52:12
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Sample correct, preview wrong
Replies: 1
Views: 3903

Sample correct, preview wrong


I was deleting the last 3 digits of the filenname. The sample was right, but the preview showed the last 2 digits and the extension. Hitting GO renamed according to the preview. Undo worked.

Exit and retry was successful

by CliveG
2008-09-06 07:48:05
Forum: Ant Renamer > Bug reports
Topic: Some renaming skipped on enumeration
Replies: 1
Views: 3943

Some renaming skipped on enumeration

Hi, I am doing %folder-3%-%num%%ext% on a group of folders c:\f2\f3. Some folders have sub-folders. I get, when I try only one of the folders: No change No change f3-003 f3-004 etc I do not really see a pattern. The preview list shows that the first 2 should be renamred f3-001 and f3-002. If I exit ...
by CliveG
2008-09-05 20:07:04
Forum: Ant Renamer > Comments
Topic: Use modified EXIF date/time value
Replies: 9
Views: 9553

Hi Antoine, Thanks for quick reply. I battled with understanding the Reg Exp but after I grasped what it was doing and how it works, I found a way to use it to format the date. Crude but works. By changing the order of the BackRefs, the order of YYMMDD can be changed. Reg Exp is ^..(..).(..).(..)......
by CliveG
2008-09-05 13:35:43
Forum: Ant Renamer > Comments
Topic: Use modified EXIF date/time value
Replies: 9
Views: 9553

Hi Antoine (and Christian), Really great program!!! Have been using others, but this has great features and is easy to use. I use it for pictures taken over a period of 10yrs. Thousands and many folders that keep changing to improve the sorts and directories. It took me a bit of time to realize that...