Search found 4 matches

by den Dydige
2004-10-01 17:03:00
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Drop-down lists
Replies: 4
Views: 1270

by den Dydige
2004-09-30 15:28:39
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Drop-down lists
Replies: 4
Views: 1270

When I don't have a media type I'd like (e.g. DVD+R) I just write it in the Media type when I register a new film. I don't add it in the Preferences. The options that are set in the Drop-down list section of are as follow. These are checked: Same option for all lists Auto-sort Auto-complete Automati...
by den Dydige
2004-09-28 19:03:44
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Drop-down lists
Replies: 4
Views: 1270

Drop-down lists

I've never manage to get the new additions I put to lists to stay for more than that session I'm in. If I add a few films the new categories will stay for that session, but next time I open the program its not saved.
I'm using the latest version.
by den Dydige
2004-05-24 07:38:32
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: 425 movies limit?
Replies: 8
Views: 4113

What? I can only have 32767 films? :hihi: