Search found 4 matches

by Zoynels
2008-04-10 01:10:16
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: [REL]Movie Cat beta 6 - AMC modification
Replies: 83
Views: 73368

I think you forgot OnChange Action for "Media Label".
And I cannot Import data from Internet if I add more Images it send me message. "Access violation at address 00555B5E in module ...""
by Zoynels
2008-04-07 01:59:10
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Programmation questions
Replies: 133
Views: 79873

to bad4u
Thank you for your answer. I thought about this way of solving problem.
by Zoynels
2008-04-06 00:45:24
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: Programmation questions
Replies: 133
Views: 79873

I have question. How can I ADD new Movie by script? Is it possible? I want to create fully automatic script, which should get all movies from page.
by Zoynels
2008-03-30 01:20:39
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: [REL]Movie Cat beta 6 - AMC modification
Replies: 83
Views: 73368

Hi. 1. How can I add new Images to Catalog by Internet Script? 2. Can you add more easy method to add Images to Catalog (not like now: "Add one more"->"Select"). I think when I "Select" then program should "Add one more" automaticly. And for "Select"...