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by crazyiven
2008-02-09 20:23:22
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Exporting to .cvs
Replies: 6
Views: 2174

Normally this is not useful, as in CSV you can have text block delimiters (typically quotes "..."). That's why I removed that option, as the new system was working fine with the few programs that I know for importing CSV. Isn't possible to import CSV with quote-protected blocs in that blo...
by crazyiven
2008-02-09 20:06:15
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: Exporting to .cvs
Replies: 6
Views: 2174

I updated to and have a Problem. In the old version I had the Option to replace the delimiter in the data so prevent wrong delimiter ... but with the new version dont have this function. I think this function is VERY useful and it would be nice if you can readd it to the newest Version? Expo...