Search found 3 matches

by sikor78
2008-04-10 19:00:43
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: POLAND site SCRIPTs
Replies: 776
Views: 303700

hi. thx amber for new script on filmweb. but my problem is that script don't download poster. can you help me. thx
by sikor78
2008-03-23 14:37:36
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: POLAND site SCRIPTs
Replies: 776
Views: 303700

script dont download poster

@bialy in my ant dont download a poster , can you tell me what you do in your program . you have this same problem and you resolve them . please help i use script
by sikor78
2007-01-26 21:21:16
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: POLAND site SCRIPTs
Replies: 776
Views: 303700


Odrazu z góry chcialbym pogratulowac autorom programu - jest najlepszy :)

A teraz mam pytanie czy istnieja jakies skrypty na wyglad ,skorki, ulozenie okienek z danymi itp?