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by fake|nigga
2003-12-12 09:48:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Release: CD Cover/Traycard Template v2.1 (ENG/DE)
Replies: 10
Views: 6253

I don't think their will be updates in the near future. And sending you an e-mail wouldn't be a big problem ;). Thanks!
by fake|nigga
2003-12-07 15:11:49
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Release: CD Cover/Traycard Template v2.1 (ENG/DE)
Replies: 10
Views: 6253

Since Spaceports stops its free web hosting service the downloads will only be available until the 31. December 2003. I'm trying to find another free web hosting service but because i'm very busy at the time this can take a little while. You can also e-mail ( ) me if you want the ...
by fake|nigga
2003-09-02 16:13:20
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Release: CD Cover/Traycard Template v2.1 (ENG/DE)
Replies: 10
Views: 6253

v2.1 released

New version 2.1 available.
See first message in this thread for changes, screenshots and download link.

And thanks to everyone using it! :D
by fake|nigga
2003-08-11 18:14:47
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [DE] Zusammenfassung Scripts und Templates in einem Post!
Replies: 5
Views: 2047

Eine CD-Cover sowie CD-Inlay Vorlage: viewtopic.php?t=658. Dort gibts Links zu Screenshots und Download.
Seit Juli gibts die zweite Version.
by fake|nigga
2003-08-08 11:41:14
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [DE] Lifetec Cover (DE) v1.0 [by ylfcam].frf
Replies: 4
Views: 2239

Re: [DE] Lifetec Cover (DE) v1.0 [by ylfcam].frf

Sieht gut aus! :grinking: die 10 verschiedenen bilder für die bewertung waren bestimmt ne menge arbeit allein das einfügen und jedesmal ein script reinschreiben. da wär ich jetzt zu faul dafür gewesen :) das datum einzufügen ist auch ne gute idee, da auch cds ihr verfallsdatum haben (wenn man das bl...
by fake|nigga
2003-05-06 21:51:31
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Release: CD Cover/Traycard Template v2.1 (ENG/DE)
Replies: 10
Views: 6253

Release: CD Cover/Traycard Template v2.1 (ENG/DE)

Download Link Screenshots Thanks to all who said thanks to me! :) Please excuse my English if you vind myshtakes you kan ceep tham :-). Since there were no cd covers and traycards which fit my needs I created them myself ;) . There is an English (I hope I translated everything) and German version. ...