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My New Spanish and EnglishTemplate

Posted: 2003-10-07 03:30:16
by -=[WeBsEcReTa]=-
Comparto mi nueva plantilla en español e inglés, espero que les guste.

saludos desde chile.

from now on i begin to share my new template in english and spanish, Hope you like it

greetings from Chile.

Posted: 2003-10-07 08:08:40
by antp
I guess that it is an other one than the one already included in AMC ?

Posted: 2003-10-07 15:52:45
by -=[WeBsEcReTa]=-
This is a new version of the oldest version of templates, but this one is improved and includes an english version.

Posted: 2003-10-07 16:28:46
by folgui
Thanks/Gracias ;)