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error in
Posted: 2003-09-04 08:20:25
by Pedro,
No movies where found when i search for a script.
please send a reply if you have the same problem
greetings Pedro.
ant movie catalog wrote to me
Posted: 2003-09-04 08:53:42
by pedro
I am waiting for the author of the script to make an update, I do not know
yet if he will do it or not.
If he does not, maybe I'll do it myself.
Posted: 2003-09-04 18:51:04
by FireStarter
Ik heb.. I have also problemes with it. The whole site has been restyled.
If you could, please update the script
Posted: 2003-09-19 12:52:22
by JanC
I wrote the original MovieMeter script and I have looked at the new site, but there is a bug in the PostPage() script function, and GetPage() doesn't work with that site.
I'll make a more detailed bug report for Antoine when I have the time (maybe next week).
Posted: 2003-09-19 13:56:07
by antp
hum if it does not work with GET, and needs POST, you'll unfortunately have to wait for version 4 of Ant Movie Catalog
(I can't easily make modifications to AMC 3.x)
Posted: 2003-09-20 12:28:39
by JanC
It doesn't work with GET...
Seems like you know what's wrong with PostPage() and I don't have to send you the details then?
Anyway, thanks for making AMC and for those who use the moviemeter script: let's hope AMC4 doesn't take too long anymore...
Posted: 2003-09-20 17:48:31
by antp
I do not know what's wrong with the PostPage function that I made, because I do not not really know how to do a POST with the TIdHttp component that I use. I tried something that I found on internet.
Hopefully its coming soon
Posted: 2003-09-23 07:09:42
by pedro
Dear AMC,
Hopefully the new version of AMC is coming soon..........
Good Luck
Greetings Pedro
Posted: 2003-11-23 09:41:43
by Seniorke
I have the same problem.
Can somebody help checking this script.
many thanks in advance
Posted: 2003-11-23 10:22:40
by antp
That's not only a script problem, but also a problem in the program.
And I won't correct it in current version, you'll have to wait for next version.
new script
Posted: 2004-04-11 05:32:23
by JanC
I have a new script and I'm looking for testers:
(please put comments in the new thread)