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Cant import movie info from IMDB or ANY other site!

Posted: 2003-08-29 17:02:00
by XyPe
None of the scripts seem to work...

I tried import from IMDB and all others... All i'm getting is " cant connect " "socket error 10061" " connection refused "

Any one know how to solve it? But it might be something with the IMDB site too... they seemed to have changed the URL info... now a movie url looks like: instead of

Maybe that could be it... Anyway any response would be nice! tnx

Posted: 2003-08-29 17:11:54
by TrOn
Yeah, I also noticed that. Ant Movie Catalog can import info, but the IMDB url isn't correct. Also Comments and Description windows import all of the HTML code.

Can any1 fix the script?

Posted: 2003-08-29 18:15:55
by antp
XyPe » Well, this is a problem on your system/proxy/configuration probably. Was it working before ? If all the scripts have this error it is not related to IMDB I guess :p

TrOn » which film has this problem ? I tried few and it seems to work

Posted: 2003-08-29 18:42:40
by XyPe
cant be my pc config... it's a clean install of ANTS got the proggy link from a friend of mine on IRC. I'm on uni network, no firewall, no proxies, nothing! clean open network!

So sure it cant be anything else?

Posted: 2003-08-29 20:49:40
by antp
you tried scripts from various sites ?
Can you connect to these sites with your webbrowser ?
What kind of connection do you have ?

the problem as i understand it

Posted: 2003-08-29 21:03:44
by zenmester
hi folks
as i understand the problem - the scripts work fine they just produce results without the corect information example: the URL fields miss the number of the film, and the description field has some added html text in it , but it runs ok

Posted: 2003-08-30 08:45:20
by TrOn
It doesn't matter what film. They changed the structure of the links. All I get under the URL: fields is:

Code: Select all
And under Description at the end:

Code: Select all

<a href="plotsummary">(more)</a> <a href="trailers">(view trailer)</a
But I don't know how to fix it, so if any1 can, please do so and post the IMDB (US) import script here.

Posted: 2003-08-30 09:47:57
by Guest
For fixes look @ viewtopic.php?p=3995#3995