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Translate fields when generating html-page

Posted: 2003-08-27 11:50:08
by Charlotte

I'm using a template to generate a html-page with al my movies. When I add a movie to amc, I use the script from imdb to get al the info, in the field 'comments', I put the description of the movie of a dutch site.
I adjusted the temlpate so that in the html-page i can read the dutch description of the movie.
I now would like that when i generate the page that automaticly the fields of language and category are translated in to dutch, so that in stead of "english" I get "engels" on my html-page.
I thought to use a list whit the translations of certain languages and categories. (and when there isn't a translation for a certain language, then to use the english term)

So brief said: In amc are the fields in english (except the field 'comments') and i would like to generate a html-page that is complete in dutch.


Posted: 2003-08-27 13:51:00
by antp
I do not really see what you could to to get that at export time.
If you want to modify it in your catalog you can use the scripting feature, and the sample "Search & Replace" script.