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New Improved Version

Posted: 2003-08-24 18:29:47
by Willspo
I've made some improvements to my template. It's currently BETA and there are a couple of visual bugs but I think it works. This new version is like a stand alone program and not for use on the Internet.

  • Frames (Only the list scrolls)
    Uses the AMC native XML format (No more export as HTML)
    Launch movies from harddrive (url field)
    Keeps track of what movies you have seen (Writes to the xml file)
    The option to only view movies not seen
    A config program that lets you choose AMC file and skin
    A More specific search where you can choose what to search for
    More filters (Date and media)
    Easier customization through Skins :hum:
Download it here: (new link) :clapping:
(The file is big because Microsoft XML parser 4.0 is included)

Report bugs or requests in this thread.


Posted: 2003-08-24 22:09:30
by antp
Nice to see that you are still working on this, since lots of people use your template ;)

Posted: 2003-08-24 23:23:09
by Charlotte
I'm not able to download your template.
When I try, I always get this message after a couple of minutes:
CGI Timeout
The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process.


Posted: 2003-08-25 07:08:10
by Willspo
Sorry about that.
I can't download it either. :shocked:
I'll try to post a new link to another server soon.

Posted: 2003-08-25 07:18:07
by antp
If you can't find a host, you can send it by mail to me, so I publish it on my server. But for each update you'll have to wait few hours each time.

It's ok

Posted: 2003-08-25 07:28:43
by Willspo

Posted: 2003-08-25 15:10:45
by FireStarter
Hi Willspo, it looks great, to bad I can't use it on the Internet.

I've one question and that is, what xml code must I use to make a frame of the movielist? Maybe we can discuss the on MSN? ?

Thank you very much :grinking:

Posted: 2003-08-25 15:49:42
by Willspo
I don't really understand your question but you can find me on msn:

Problem with your template ...

Posted: 2003-09-01 12:04:11
by $p00ky
Your template is the best I ever seen !

But I have a problem ...
In my computer, the movielist.hta function correctly ...
No problem ...

But if I try to put it on internet, there is an error.$p00ky.exe (7 Mo)

(There is an error in my file : you have to edit config.xml and replace the <source> .. </source> line in <source>movies.xml</source>)

But after this change, some people have ActiveX problems ... :


Do you know why ?

And on Windows 2003 Server it seems to not function ...

PS : Sorry for my english, I am french ...

Re: New Improved Version

Posted: 2003-09-01 12:35:29
by Ormus
Willspo wrote: This new version is like a stand alone program and not for use on the Internet.
my guess about the ActiveX error: the Microsoft xml parser is missing on the remote machines...

Posted: 2003-09-01 21:00:31
by Willspo
Thank you :D

About the <source> tag: Did you run config.hta first? This prog lets you choose source file and writes to config.xml.

About the ActiveX error: It's becuase you need Microsoft XML Parser version 4. It's not included in any Windows version so you have to download it separately. The setup program installs this for you. If you really want to use it on Internet you can make the users download it. Check out for details search for MSXML 4 and downloads.

About Windows 2003: Don't know have only tested it on XP. Did you run the install program on this comp?


Posted: 2003-09-05 13:38:42
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Hi Willspo,

I've run a little test. I think the best improvement you've forgotten. Its fast. For my about 1000 movies the other template was too slow. This one works great.

Nice install-routine ;)

Now I modify your template with my specific wishes. Thanks !!!!

Posted: 2003-09-05 15:19:56
by Guest
What kind of modification are you thinking of?

If you make modifications to style.css and columns.xml please e-mail them to me so I can add a new skin.

Posted: 2003-09-10 16:05:44
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Hi Willspo,

the modifications are:

- integration of a language system
- change some values, because f.e. my "seen" is the column "mediatype"
- no statistics, because I think you wanna do that ;)
- after that a Skin, or two, or three :)

I must say, I've understood the code of your first version, but now it is really complex. It's hard to understand. So first problem: the language system. I like to use your config file to let the user choose their language. It's like the skin-menu. In the config you can have the choice of a language (he scans all datasets in the folder "lang". He lists it and saves to config.xml. In the language files all words used in your template are declared.
The data after the colon behind the variables will be imported. For example: movietitle:Filmtitel

So far, now my problems:

I've added in config.hta the function

Code: Select all

		function populateLangList() {
			var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
			var folder = fso.GetFolder("./Lang");
 			var fc = new Enumerator(folder.SubFolders);
			for (; !fc.atEnd(); fc.moveNext()){
				var oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
				oOption.innerText = fc.item().Name;
				oOption.value = fc.item().Name;
which should be searching for files in the lang folder.

The html form:

Code: Select all

					<select id="langselect">
And in the save-function:

Code: Select all

xmlDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("//lang").text = langSelect.value;
The tag is addes in config.xml.

But it doesn't work. Error Message: document.all.langSelect.options is no object. Where I have langselect to declare?

Second problem: I want to change the names you've given, for example "movie title" or "seen" to variables. But where I have to include the dataset where the variables are defined?

Sry for my english and my Code. I don't know anything about xml/xsl. :(


Posted: 2003-09-10 18:16:36
by Willspo
First of all I corrected a little typo that made the images dissapear. So now it works. (same download link)

to Frau:
javaScript is type sensitive if you typed id="langselect" you can't find that object with langSelect :cool:

A simple way to find errors in javascript is by using alert(string).
For example you can type alert(document.all.langselect). If the program says [object] you know that this object exists otherwise there is something wrong.

I'm going to the statistics soon but I've got a lot to do for a couple of weeks so it might take some time.

Keep up the good work :grinking:


Posted: 2003-09-11 21:22:23
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Willspo, I think I make the statistics and you optimize the code :). I've made some changes, f.e. I've found that in main.xsl

Code: Select all

<xsl:param name="skin" select="'skins/default/columns.xml'" />
You know that the variable skin so doesn't function. Always he takes the columns.xml in the default folder. Okay, but just one little mistake. But most of the other "which I can read :)" is well-structered. Okay, I couldn't wait, so I've made one first try of a template. Maybe you like it (but it doesn't work in your template because of the changes :(


sry 1280x960

Posted: 2003-09-12 07:58:45
by Willspo
In default.js add this line at the end of method readConfig():
addParam("skin", sourcePath + "columns.xml");

I'll fix it soon and upload a new version.

Nice skin. You have to e-mail it to me (with images).

Posted: 2003-09-12 16:00:35
by Guest
sure eMail on Sunday, little changes... :)

Posted: 2003-09-12 23:45:06
by Guest
Well ok, I'll post it here because I have a slightly feeling that Willspo is not looking at the othet topic anymore...

This all is about his (your) old template (xslt)

This was what I posted there:

Hi all,

I am using willspo's script (great script !) but have one thing I want to add, but seems impossible for me...

Is it possible to add a button to the pop-up window, that'll print the contents of the pop-up window?! (Something in javascript)

I tried some things but it didn't work out...

Thanks in advance...

Ow and Willspo, seems to be not a valid emailadress...

Posted: 2003-09-14 17:58:39
by *Guest* - Frau Holle
Sure it's possible. I think with css its better than with js. But wait some days, first are some other things to do. :)