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Howto open links in pop-up windows?

Posted: 2003-08-10 18:15:24
by Guest
What i am trying to do, is when i click on a link, pointing to $$ITEM_FILEINDIV, it is the html page with the additional info on it, that this link opens in a pop-up window.. How can this be done? (SOme info would be nice :) ) if you know how to do it in notepad or using go live, plz contact me or post a reply over here.. Thanks

Posted: 2003-08-10 18:48:05
by antp
<a href="$$FILE_ITEMINDIV" target="_blank">text</a>

Posted: 2003-08-10 20:14:47
by Guest
Thank you, works perfect! What needs to be done now, is knowing how to give the pop-up window a fixed width and height! ;)

Great prog btw, lot's of interesting scripting and many nuts and bolts to play with, i love it :grinking:

Posted: 2003-08-10 20:24:19
by antp
<a href="$$FILE_ITEMINDIV" target="_blank" onclick="'_blank', '$$FILE_ITEMINDIV', 'width=640,height=480');return false">text</a>
Or something like that

Posted: 2003-08-10 21:49:41
by Guest
Will try this asap, thank you for the quick replies :)

Posted: 2003-08-16 19:10:53
by Guest
I can't figure out how i can open a movie url.. What I do is, I make a url, that makes a reference to $$ITEM_INDIV, but when i click on a moviename (containing the reference to the url) my browser shows the correct link in the statusbar, but opens the link to $$ITEM_INDIV!

How can i solve this issue?

Posted: 2003-08-16 20:01:07
by antp
Actually the correct "tag" is $$ITEM_FILEINDIV
Did you use this one ?

Posted: 2003-08-16 21:03:39
by Guest
Yes, I did! This problem is for later; but I have come up with a new problem!! What I tried to do was making a html page with 2 frames.
( ... frame.html)
But my problem is now that the tags cannot be filled in.. Is there any way I can solve this problem?

Posted: 2003-08-16 21:20:20
by antp
Anonymous wrote: But my problem is now that the tags cannot be filled in..
what does it mean ?
by the way, your URL does not work (error 404)

Posted: 2003-08-16 21:34:17
by Guest
what does it mean ?
by the way, your URL does not work (error 404)[/quote]

My bad, you can see it over here: ... rames.html

Posted: 2003-08-16 21:45:59
by Guest
it's ok, antp, i solved it myself! :)

Stupid question as a matter of fact :D!,but hey, I found it eventually, so doesn't matter!

Posted: 2003-08-16 22:18:06
by Guest
NEW problem (again) :angry:

So, now i have this page: ... rames.html but when i click on the title of the movie in Internet Explorer, it doesn't show the background images in the table with the movie specs (framerate-size-..) whereas Opera 7.11 shows it perfectly.
Any solutions?

Posted: 2003-08-16 22:59:30
by Guest
Anonymous wrote:NEW problem (again) :angry:
Problem SOLVED! :D
The only thing right now that remains to be d0ne is the pop-up window as stated above! The redirection to _blank works, but dan it tries to open (in a pop-up) xxx/$$ITEM_FILEINDIV.. :hum:

Posted: 2003-08-16 23:29:28
by antp
which links does that ? I do not see what you mean :)

Posted: 2003-08-17 08:10:25
by Guest
Well, i have a link, that points to $$ITEM_FILEINDIV, this is the link behind the movie title on the main page! You can't see it when it's online, but you can see in the html code! (If you need it, i'll post it)
So when I click on the link (pointing to $$ITEM_FILEINDIV, it opens the page containing the movie information, like bitrate, size, etc)
But what I want, is that the link opens in a new pop-up window, with fixed height and width. So you told me to target it to "_blank" but when I do that, and I click on a link on my main page (with all the movies) it tries to open the file $$ITEM_FILEINDIV.html, which doesn't exist..

So, now I'm trying to solve this issue!

Posted: 2003-08-17 08:14:25
by Guest
The farest I could get was to this: <a href="$$ITEM_FILEINDIV" target="_blank">$$ITEM_FORMATTEDTITLE2</a>

But now i need to now how to give it a fixed width and height!
The code you mentioned before, with the "or something like that" ;) doesn't seem to work, and I can't figure out how the tag can be changed so that it gets a fixed w&h..

Posted: 2003-08-17 09:13:57
by antp
<a href="$$ITEM_FILEINDIV" onclick="'$$ITEM_FILEINDIV', '_blank', 'width=500, height=400');return false;">$$ITEM_FORMATTEDTITLE2</a>

it should work

in previous message I swapped the url and the target name

Posted: 2003-08-17 13:10:15
by Guest
:grinking: Hail antp, hail!
Thank you for your fast and helpfull replies, maybe i'll post my template as well, when it is completely finished! Great program, any newz on when to expect the 4.0?

Posted: 2003-08-17 16:04:20
by antp
Anonymous wrote:any newz on when to expect the 4.0?
I had less time than expected to work on it, so I do not know.
I hope I'll have time at end of august / begin of september to work on it.