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New [DE] script
Posted: 2003-07-13 22:18:50
by grasmo
I wrote a new german script. Actually it is just a combination of three existing scripts and some tweaking, but that is way easier than starting the script dialog three times:-)
The scripts used are:
- Amazon (DE)
It combines the output of the IMDB and the OFDB/IMDB(DE) scripts. The translated title is forwarded to the amazon script to get a nice big picture of the german cover:-)
The script can be downloaded from:
have fun:-)
Posted: 2003-07-14 07:54:49
by antp

Posted: 2003-07-14 21:20:47
by grasmo
/me again...
rewrote a big part of the script:-)
here are the changes:
ver 0.1 (13.7.2k3)
- three scripts put together and optimized by grasmo (2k3)
- Basescripts were:
- IMDB script
- OMDb/IMDB script
- Amazon (US & DE) script
ver 0.2 (14.7.2k3)
- took out the IMDB(DE) part ==> redunant!
- Automated the stuff so you should be asked once or twice
- What happend to the category field? What the hell...
- Added the IMDB Credits-page parser (still experimental, but ok :-))
- Added TotalAutomatic switch for converting my existing DB
- Added AutomaticAmazonPicPick to automatically pick the closest Amazon hit
- Changed the internal name and comments
Biggest improvement:
1. it is now total automatic if you type the right name (and don't change the flag :-). If not you still can choose the right movie.
2. speed. fewer connections to the internet. less code.
- sometimes there is an error with amazon (Page not found). if anyone knows why ==> mail me...
Script still can be found at:
Posted: 2003-07-27 15:48:21
by Guest
Thx grasmo!
looks very nice! i was searching for an "ultimate german script" and now i think i find it.
i will now test it. if i have any suggestiosn or bug-reporting, i post it here or contact you directly.
thx anyway!
Posted: 2003-07-27 16:33:25
by Swallie
ok grasmo im back again
thirst of all i have to say, that your script is the best one for me and it works very very fine! good work!
besides the amazon 404 error, i have found an other bug:
if i search for a movie, and the title isnt found in the database (of the website) the scripts asking me for changing the name. if i click abort it searches again (with the wrong title!) and will present me in a few moments again the same "plz-enter-alternative-title" dialog.
--> short form: the abort button isnt working
you cant test this bug bug by seachring for a movie called "A Beautiful Mind" (i have placed this title in the Original-Title field.
i hope you understand my bad english.
Posted: 2003-07-27 16:36:02
by Swallie
no that was wrong!
you have to search for a movie called
(copy paste it)

Posted: 2003-07-28 07:58:04
by grasmo
thanks for the information, I think I've seen that bug. I'll remove it as soon as possible, but since I currently moving out, my computer is disconnected from the net for a few days. As soon as I got my dsl I'll try to fix the bug (shouldn't be that hard, I hope:-)).
Posted: 2003-07-28 23:23:01
by Swallie
I'll remove it as soon as possible, but since I currently ...
Take your time!
Perhaps in the next versiony you could rename your script from
so the naming convention will be keeped. (<<- bad englisch? ... sounds bad)
and another optical thing:
Are you able to add numbers to each steps which will be displayed by downloading information. Like
downloading plots from blabla - step 3 of 8
something like that. but this is not really necessary.
Posted: 2004-01-09 20:22:05
by Guest
damn nice script, thanks!!
Posted: 2004-01-09 21:42:34
by antp
Swallie wrote:
Are you able to add numbers to each steps which will be displayed by downloading information. Like downloading plots from blabla - step 3 of 8
That's not possible

another small problem
Posted: 2004-02-06 20:17:36
by Marsupilami
The "title" is shown in english and not in german language and also the "commentary" is shown in english and not in german.
Any idea to change this ??
Posted: 2006-12-29 19:14:34
by JCMoD
seems like this thread is sleeping... but got a question anyway
I dl the script and put it in the right folder... but it doesnt shows up in the list... whats wrong?
Posted: 2006-12-30 10:15:36
by antp
That script was made for version 3.4 of the program, long time ago.
It has to be converted to version 3.5:
Posted: 2006-12-30 20:39:15
by JCMoD
hey thx never saw an admin caring such well for his "community"
anyway... i now see the script but it doesnt work either...
at the very beginning its says e.g.
OFDb site for (... und dann kam Polly)
but i cant doubleklick or click on "OK" or "Seite Anzeigen" (Show site) or "Weitersuchen" (Continue searching)
got any other idea?
Posted: 2006-12-30 21:10:02
by bad4u
JCMoD wrote:anyway... i now see the script but it doesnt work either...
at the very beginning its says e.g.
OFDb site for (... und dann kam Polly)
but i cant doubleklick or click on "OK" or "Seite Anzeigen" (Show site) or "Weitersuchen" (Continue searching)
got any other idea?
The script you are talking about has been done in 2003 - you will have to fix it before it works with the current version of the ofdb website .. maybe you can do this by yourself when having a closer look on the current script

Posted: 2007-02-06 07:16:43
by JCMoD
what a pity...
I am not sure if i get into the matter for just one script... maybe in my holiday...
Never done scripting or anything like that before
Posted: 2007-02-06 16:07:54
by yeti
Or use my updated script instead: ... ipt-DE.rar
But the Amazon picture download doesn't work anymore and I have not enough time to look into this. I use the little ofdb picture instead.
Please read the script options descriptions before you run it.
I use the script 2-4 times per week without problems.
Have fun,