Rough String Trimming
Posted: 2019-01-09 21:29:30
First, thank you for this very helpful software.
Here my problem:
I want to trim a file name very strong.
For example:
Dmitri Gluchowski - Metro 2033.rar
Result: DG-M2033.rar
Or another example:
Adam Nevill - Im tiefen Wald.rar
Result: AN-ItW.rar
In other words trim every white space and shorten every word to one single letter, but leaving numbers alone.
Is this somehow possible?
First, thank you for this very helpful software.
Here my problem:
I want to trim a file name very strong.
For example:
Dmitri Gluchowski - Metro 2033.rar
Result: DG-M2033.rar
Or another example:
Adam Nevill - Im tiefen Wald.rar
Result: AN-ItW.rar
In other words trim every white space and shorten every word to one single letter, but leaving numbers alone.
Is this somehow possible?