DVDEmpire script and frequent error

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DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by Warren_R »

Hi, gang.

I am generally very pleased with Ant Movie Catalog - there is no comparison with the inferior alternatives.
I wish to however report a regular occurring error with DVDEmpire and the retrieval of information.
On a regular basis it fails to provide data and instead returns the following message:

" IOHandler value is not valid "

I tried to find similar terms in the latest DVDEmpire script, but no luck.
If you can help me to resolve this, I would be very grateful.
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by antp »

This errors occurs when a http site redirects to https.
AMC does not support such redirection, it must either use http or https from the beginning of the request.
I'm surprised that you seem to say it does not fail all the time: that's the kind of error that should be systematic for a given site.
Usually when that happens the script is modified to use the https version of the site directly, which solves then the error in all cases.
The only exception could be that for some movies the script fetches additional pictures/pages - if that only occurs for some movie you should give examples of errors.
Currently DVDempire seems to work fine for me; the last update of the script was more than a year ago... If you haven't done so, you should run the "update scripts" script from the top of the list. Current version of DVDempire script is 2.2.6 (shown at the bottom of the window when the script is selected).
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by Warren_R »


Thanks for the prompt reply.

I have been using the latest DVDEmpire script, 2.2.6 and the following error happened about 30 minutes ago.

Film: A Dry White Season (1989) I attempted to retrieve a color full-size of the jacket or poster from DVDEmpire,
but evoked the message ' IOHandler value is not valid'

Does this happen for you as well ? I am using the AMC version 4.2.2 BETA, OS Windows 7 Professional, 6 GB of RAM.

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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by antp »

Indeed, for that movie I have the same error.
So it must be something for that particular movie (and a few other) that follow a different kind of links than other movies that work.
I'll try to check that in the next days if no-one else does it first.
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by Warren_R »

Respectully, it's not "a few others...", it's a lot of others. I wish you luck and if
you would find it useful I will keep a log of titles and submit them for your use.
Let me know.
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by antp »

It was just luck that the titles I tried worked then :D
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by antp »

I've put a new version of the script (2.2.7) to fix that image problem.
There are at least two ways posters are embedded on pages on the site, depending on the movie (i.e. the cases that worked before and those for which you encountered an error), so I kept the code for the old cases in addition of the new one, hoping it works in all cases now.
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Re: DVDEmpire script and frequent error

Post by Warren_R »

Eureka! Just a few minutes ago I tried to capture an image ( Stay (2005) with Ewan McGregor and Ryan Gosling) and it failed to the
infamous 'IOHandler value is not valid', so I came here to see any possible developments. I read about your new script, 2.2.7, tried it
and it worked. Merci beaucoup.

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