Summary in comments field
Posted: 2002-07-30 00:58:21
I like to see users comments when I look for a movie on imdb. So I added this code to the imdb script so that the users comment went in the comment field
Code: Select all
// Comments
LineNr := FindLine('Summary:</B>', Page, 0);
if LineNr > -1 then
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
BeginPos := pos('<P>', Line) + 3;
LineNr := LineNr + 1;
Line := Line + Page.GetString(LineNr);
EndPos := pos('</P>', Line);
until EndPos > 0;
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos);
SetField(fieldComments, Value);