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Replace Multiple Characters - Files Location/Type

Posted: 2018-06-30 12:59:28
by fglucas
Hello, first I would like to say that this software is amazing and it helps me a lot!

I wonder if it's possible to upload a file to this list.


I work with mass files, and could export an excel or xml file with all the parameters instead of having to manually register them ...

- I downloaded the Developer mode (I am a student of this area) and found the file
"\ antrenamer2_sources \ Renamer \ dev \ default.xml" I suppose this is the base XML to insert a distinguished list, the problem is, WHERE IS THIS FILE LOCATED IN THE USER VERSION ??

Is it possible to implement a "load / open" button, or is there any way to do this?

Thank you!

Re: Replace Multiple Characters - Files Location/Type

Posted: 2018-06-30 14:43:23
by antp
Indeed import/export is missing there, I should add it... some time.
There is a way to copy/paste values from/to Excel easily by editing the config file.
That file is named "renamer.xml" and is located either:
- in c:\programdata\ant renamer if you installed the program for the first time with the version 2.11 or 2.12
- in C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\program files (x86)\ant renamer if you started with an older version and kept UAC enabled
- in the same folder as the executable if you use the portable version or if you disabled the UAC
once you located that file, open it with a text editor (or a XML editor if you have one, but Notepad is enough), locate the <Sets> node, and below that you'll find the list of sets saved, each in a CDATA section.
There is one entry per line, with the two values separated by a tab. This is compatible with the text copy/paste of Excel, if your selection has only two columns.

Re: Replace Multiple Characters - Files Location/Type

Posted: 2018-06-30 14:56:36
by fglucas
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thank you!
Worked perfectly!