Batch Auto mode not available in most scripts

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Batch Auto mode not available in most scripts

Post by stepic7 »

A very useful feature of AMC is the possibility to import movie features from a file path
However after importing, each movie MUST be edited individually to find the properties of each movie: title and so on
When managing large files sets (more than a thousand) it is impossible to use AMC

I discovered that some (very few indeed and IMDB might be the only one) can work in batch or Auto mode so that one may scrutinize the result at the end and eventually take care of inconsistencies left over

Most of the scripts however DO NOT have the batch mode feature which would significantly improve the power of AMC

Is it so difficult to implement?
wouldn't be possible to just copy the code used in the script of IMDB and paste in any of the others?
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Post by antp »

It is not very difficult to modify other scripts, sometimes people request it for a script they use, but I doubt anyone would take the time to make it for all scripts "just in case" (especially since probably many scripts are outdated and don't work anyway).
Also, for some sites it may not be very practical if the first result isn't most of the time the right one.
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