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Date format in HTML-type export

Posted: 2003-04-28 04:56:16
by card
Why Date Format can be changed ONLY in SQL-type of Export?
IMHO this option must be GLOBAL for all types of Export.
I am using very GOOD template - xslt_template_3, which allowed me to customize all what I want. I need to show my list in the order of adding films in the catalog. That is very simple with xslt_template_3, but AMC tag $$ITEM_DATEADD export date in bad for "text" sorting format DD.MM.YYYY :badidea:
I wanna YYYY-MM-DD or any other CUSTOM format!
Is it possible?...

Posted: 2003-04-28 07:50:31
by antp
It uses the date defined in Windows Regional Settings, so you can change it there...
But that's right it would be better to allow to set the date format for HTML & CSV exports, I'll change that next time I update the program.

Posted: 2003-04-28 08:51:05
by card
Ok. I'll wait...

Another remarks:
1. "Date Added" field filling is very uncomfortable - after input of DD, MM and YYYY focus jumps back on the initial checkbox, so I must return it back by keyboard or mouse.
2. Probably "Get Information from script" window's last position must be also remember in "moviecatalog.xml"

To be continued... :wink:

Posted: 2003-04-28 09:01:15
by antp
Windows positions are not stored because they are always displayed in the center of the parent window (the main window).

For the Date field, I know there is this problem, but it seems to be related to Windows (or Borland's VCL, which use Windows components, but I do not know it that's them or Microsoft who made the bug).

Posted: 2003-04-28 09:11:55
by antp
It seems to be a bug in Borland's VCL
There is a workaround, I'll correct that for next update.